Page 126 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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            Provisions to such of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels as may touch at Dublin in Ireland, and be in Want thereof; and also
           Fresh Beef on a separate Contract.
                The conditions of the Contract may be seen at the Secretary's Office at the Victualling Office, London; or by applying
           to the Post-Master General at Dublin.

           - 6 3 0 7  NEWS  (General Post Office, June 20, 1763)

                The Post will go  every Night,  from  London  to  Tunbridge  Wells,  and from  Tunbridge Wells  to London,  Sundays
           excepted, from Friday next the 24th instant, to the 29th of September.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           -6 3 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, Wednesday, September 7, 1763)

                Whereas the Post-Boy carrying the Chester Mail of last N"ight from this Office, was this Morning, between the Hours
           of Three and Four o'Clock,  attacked and robbed near the Six Mile Stone on Finchley Common, by Two Footpads, who
           opened and took out of the said Mail, the following Bags of Letters, viz.
                    Barnet,                  Towcester,               Stony  Stratford,        Nottingham,
                    St.  Alban's,            Northampton,             Ampthil l,               Mansfield,
                    Dunstable,               Harborough,              Bedford,                 Chesterfield,
                    Fenny  Stratford,        Loughborough,            Ashburne,                Sheffield,
                    Luton,                   Lutterworth,             Leicester,                  and
                    Daventry,                Rugby,                   Derby,                   Rotherham;
           As likewise one Bag out of the Irish Mail, containing all the charged Letters, and some Bundles of Franks.
                The Persons who committed this Robbery are described to be, one of them rather a tall Man, dressed in a light-coloured
           Fustian Frock,  a black or dark-brown  Wi~ a slouched Hat,  and pitted with  the Small Pox;  the other,  rather a short Man,
           dressed in a Sailor's Jacket,  with a great Number of small Buttons, a Hat upon his Head, and a checked Shirt on.
                This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted,
           both or either of the Persons who committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and
           above the Reward given by Act of Parliament for  apprehending of Highwaymen;  or, if any Person or Persons, whether
           Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby both or either of the Persons who
           committed  the  same,  may  be  apprehended  and  brought  to  Justice,  such  Discoverer  or  Discoverers,  will,  upon  the
           Conviction of both or either of the Parties, be entitled to the same Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also have His
           Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           -- 6 3 0 9  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 1, 1763)

                His Majesty's Post-master General, for the further Improvement of Correspondence, have been pleased to extend the
           Bye Night Mails, two additional Times a Week, from  Newcastle to Edinburgh, and three additional Days a Week, from
           Carlisle to Annan and Dumfreis;  as  likewise,  to establish a Six Days Post, between Edinburgh and Aberdeen,  Glasgow,
           Greenock, and the several intermediate Towns, the Whole to commence from the lOth Instant.
                The additional Mails will be dispatched, from this Office, for Edinburgh, on Mondays and Fridays; the Monday's Mail
           will arrive at Edinburgh on Fridays, and the Friday's Mail on Mondays.
                The additional Mails, from Edinburgh, will be dispatched for England, on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, the Tuesday's
           Mail will arrive at this Office on Saturdays, and the Friday's Mail on Tuesdays.
               And whereas great Numbers of Letters have hitherto been privately collected and delivered, as well in this Kingdom as
           in Scotland, contrary to Law,  and to the Prejudice of the Revenue of this Office,  Notice is hereby given, that all Carriers,
           Coachmen,  Watermen,  Wherrymen,  Dispersers  of Country  News-papers,  Higlers,  and  all  other  Persons  whatsoever,
           hereafter detected in the illegal Collecting,  Conveying,  or Delivering of Letters and Packets, will be prosecuted with the
           utmost Severity.

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