Page 127 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 127


              The Penalty is Five Pounds for  every Letters collected or delivered contrary to Law; and One Hundred Pounds for
          every Week such Practice is continued.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          - 6 3 1 0  NEWS  (General Post Office, November 5, 1763)

              Public Notice is hereby given, That besides the Mail which will be made up at this Office upon the Second Saturday of
          this, and every Month, as usual, for New York, an Extraordinary Mail will be dispatched, from hence, upon Saturday the
          26th Instant;  there being already Two  Packet-Boats at Falmouth,  and  others expected,  in sufficient Time to  carry the
          December Mail.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          - 6 311  NEWS  (General Post-Office, Monday, November 7, 1763)

              Whereas the Post-Boy carrying the Mail of Letters from Maidstone to Rochester, between the Hours of Nine and Ten
          o'Clock on Friday Night last, was attacked near the Hospital, within a Quarter of a Mile of Rochester, by three Footpads,
          one of whom fired a Gun or Pistol, loaded with large Shot, which wounded the Post-Boy very dangerously in his Body, Face
          and Arms:
              This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted,
          any one or more of the Persons who made this Assault, will be intitled to a Reward of Fifty Pounds, over and above the
          Reward given by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen: or if any Person or Persons, whether Accomplice, or
          knowing thereof, (except the Person who actually fired the Gun or Pistol) shall make Discovery, whereby one or more of the
          Persons may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer or Discoverers will, upon the Conviction of any one
          of the Parties, be intitled to the same Reward of Fifty Pounds, and will also have His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          -- 6 3 12  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 31, 1763)

              Public Notice is hereby given, That all such Letters for Germany, and for Turkey by Vienna, as are intended to pass
          through Flanders, must be directed accordingly via Flanders; otherwise they will be sent by the Way of Holland.
              Letters for the Levant are dispatched from Vienna, twice every Month, on the nearest Wednesday or Saturday to the
          lst and 15th Days of the Month, without being address'd to the Care of any Correspondent at Vienna. When the said Days
          of the Month happen on a Tuesday, or Friday, the Letters for Turkey ought to be sent from London so as to reach Vienna
          within the Fortnight; but, if the lst or 15th fall out on any other Days of the Week, the Letters ought to depart from hence a
          Post sooner.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          -- 6 313  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 31, 1763)

              The Post-Boy bringing the Rye Mail to this Office, having between Four and Five o'Clock this Morning, imprudently
          stopt at the Horse and Groom, a Public House in Kent-street, to take some Refreshment, found,  upon his Return to his
          Horse left at the Door, that the said Mail, containing the following Bags of Letters, was cut off and carried away, viz.

               Rye,  Stonecrouch,  Sevenoaks,  Tunbridge,  Hastings,  Battle,  Cranbrook,  Biddenden,  Tenterden,  and  Hurstgreen.
              This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted,
          the Person or Persons who stole and carried off the said Mail, will be intitled to a Reward of Fifty Pounds, over and above
          the  Reward  given  by Act  of  Parliament  for  apprehending  of  Highwaymen:  or,  if any  Person  or  Persons,  whether
          Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby the Person or Persons, who committed

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