Page 142 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 142


            the Road to Endfield, who presented a Pistol to the Boy, and ordered him to drive into an inclosed Field some Distance
           from the Road, where after binding his Hands and Legs, and leaving him about Thirty Yards from the Carriage, they cut
            and broke open the Roof of it, and stole thereout the whole North Mail except the St. Ives Bag; and in the Afternoon the
           greater Part of the Bags were found unopened in a Ditch not far from the Place where the Robbery was committed, and
           were immediately forwarded from hence by Express, but the following Bags are still missing, viz.
                                  Enclfield,             Ferrybridge,            Leeds,
                                  Ware,                  North  AL Lerton,       Halifax,
                                  Hertford,              Peterborough,           Wakefield,
   --                             Royston,               Spalding,               Bradford,
                                  Caxton,                Boston,                 Huddersfield,
                                  St.  Neots,            Horncastle,              and  the
                                  Kini:xllton,           Lowth,                  Scotch  Mail.
                                  Huntingdon,            Wisbich,
                The Persons who committed this Robbery are described to be, one of them a middle-aged Man about five Feet seven
            or eight Inches high, wore his Hat flapped all round, and had on a light-coloured Great Coat; the other middle-aged also,
            about five Feet six or seven Inches high, wore a cocked Hat, and a blue Great Coat.
                Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons who
            committed this Robbery, will be intitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act
            of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen: Or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing
            thereof, shall make Discovery whereby both or either of the Persons who committed the same may be apprehended and
           brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of both or either of the Persons, be intitled to the same Reward
            of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive his Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                            ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

            -- 710 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 19, 1771)

                The Tunbridge Bag of Letters, which should have arrived at this Office on Monday Morning last, being lost or stolen
            out of the Mail somewhere between Seven-Oaks and Bromley, two of the Bank Notes sent in the said Bag were this Day
            put off in Rosemary Lane at two Cloaths Shops, by two Men: The one about thirty-six or forty Years old, five Feet nine or
            ten Inches high, his own straight Hair, a Brown Complexion, long Nose, and long Visage; had on a light coloured Coat, and
           Scarlet Waistcoat, and dirty Leathern Breeches; and who bought, fitted for his own Size, a Salmon-coloured Suit of Cloaths,
            Lining and Basket Buttons of the same, with a plain Cuff, and fall-down Collar, a Cinnamon-coloured Surtout, and a Pair of
           new Buck-skin Breeches, marked on the Inside  of the Waistband with the Shop Mark,  EI. The other,  stout set,  about
           twenty-eight Years old, five Feet six or seven Inches high, his own straight Hair, swarthy Complexion, had on a round, dirty,
            or brown Linen Waggoner's Frock, Scarlet Jacket, with Cuffs, dirty Buckskin Breeches, and who likewise bought, for his
            own Size, a Blue Cloth Coat, Scarlet Waistcoat, and a Chocolate-coloured Bath-coating Surtout.
                Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons above
           described, will be entitled to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

           - 710 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 21, 1771)

                WILLIAM LASIEIT, one of the Persons concerned in stealing the Tumbridge Bag of Letters between Seven-Oaks and
           Bromley, on Monday Morning last the 14th Inst. was Yesterday apprehended at Seale, near Seven-Oaks, and committed to
           Maidstone Gaol; but his Accomplice Thomas Theobald found Means to escape from his House at Riverhead near Seven-
           oaks Yesterday Morning.  He is  a  stout  set  Man,  thirty-six Years  of Age,  five  Feet  six  or  seven  Inches  high,  brown
            Complexion, wears his own Hair of a  light brown Colour,  had on when he escaped an Olive  coloured Coat,  and  a red
           lapelled Waistcoat; about two Years and an Half ago he lived as an Hostler, at Wisham in Essex, and has since lived in
            different Parts of Kent in the same Capacity.

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