Page 141 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 141


              The Person who committed this Robbery is described to be about five Feet ten Inches high, and mounted upon a Bay
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

         -- 7 0 0 5  NEWS  (General Post Office, August 19, 1770)

              This Morning, about Four o'Clock, the Post-Boy, carrying the Chester Mail from this Office, was attacked and robbed
         neac the Six Mile Stone on Finchley Common, by a single Highwayman, who took out of the said Mail two Bags of Letters,
         ticketed Coleshill and Irish.
              The Person, who  committed this  Robbery, is  described to be rather a  thin Man,  about  five  Feet six Inches  high,
         dressed in a dark brown close-bodied Coat, and well mounted on a very light Bay Gelding, about Fifteen Hands high, with a
         cut Tail.
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the Person who committed the said
         Robbery, will be intitled to a Reward of Two HUNDRED  POUNDS, over and above the Reward by Act of Parliament for
         apprehending Highwaymen: Or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make
         Discovery whereby the Person who committed the same, may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,
         upon Conviction of the Person who committed this Robbery, be intitled to the said Reward of Two HUNDRED  POUNDS,
         and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

         -- 7 0 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, August 24, 1770)

              THIS Morning, about a  Quarter before Four o'Clock, the Post Boy carrying the Chester Mail from this  Office, was
         attacked and robbed at the Foot of Highgate Hill by a single Highwayman, who took out of the Cart a small Mail ticketted
         Chester B. B. containing the following Bags of Letters, viz.
             Barnett, St. Albans, Dunstable,  Fenny Stratford, Stony Stratford, Daventry, Rugby,  Lutterworth, Luton, Towcester,
         Ampthill, and Bedford.
             The Person who committed this Robbery is described to be a tall thin Man, about five Feet nine Inches high, dressed
         in a  light-coloured  close-bodied  Coat,  dark Waistcoat,  white  Breeches,  Boots  and Spurs,  a  round  Hat turned up  only
         behind, and well mounted on a black Horse, about 14 Hands and a Half high, with two white Feet before, and a cut Tail.
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause  to be apprehended and convicted,  the Person who committed this
         Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of Two HUNDRED  POUNDS,  over and above the Reward by Act of Parliament for
         apprehending Highwaymen; or, if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make
         Discovery whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,
         upon Conviction of the Person who committed this Robbery, be entitled to the said Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS,
         and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

         -- 7 0 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 12, 1770)

             As great Numbers of Letters are daily returned to this Office from the different Sea Ports of these Kingdoms, the
         Seamen to whom they are directed being unable to pay the Postage, however desirous they may be of hearing from their
         Friends and Families: It is therefore earnestly recommended to all Persons to pay the Postage before-hand, of such Letters
         as are directed on board any Ship or Vessel, to prevent their being returned, and opened here as dead and refused Letters.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         - 7101  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 14, 1771)

             Yesterday Morning about Four o'Clock the Post-Boy driving the Mail Carriage with the North-Road Mails from this
         Office, was attacked and robbed by two Men on Foot near Houndsfields, about Seven Miles and an Half from London on

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