Page 158 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 158


             upon Conviction  of the  Party,  be  entitled  to  the  same Reward  of TWO  HUNDRED  POUNDS,  and will  also  receive  his
             Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

             -- 8 2 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, February 9, 1782)

                                                     To PREVENT MAIL ROBBERIES.

                 IT is recommended to all Persons, at present uninformed, who may have occasion to send BANK NOTES by the Post, to
             cut them  in Two  Parts,  according  to  the following  Specimen where  it is  marked with a  black Line,  and send them by
             different Posts; first writing the Name, Date, and Year at one End of the Note, and the Letter and Number at the other
             End; by this Means each Part will contain a sufficient Specification of the Whole, and prevent any kind of Difficulty in the
             Payment of it at the Bank of England to the right Owner, in case of the Loss of the other Part.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Secretary .

                                       NO                                                       ...
                            ~                B  108                                             0
                            .;;,;,"  I  Promifc  to  p:iy     to  John  Doe,  - - - - - - or  Bearer,  on
                            ?"\   Demaml  the  Sum  of      3ttn  Pounds.
                            ....  A                          London,  the  9th  Day  of  Fc.bru:iry,  Ii82 .•
                            I:                                       For  the  Governor  :ind  Comp:iny
                            -Q   £ lt'm                                of the  Bank of Euglaml.
                            t::    Ent •  Thom:is Styles.                               Richzrd  Roe:

                                     This Specimen will be put up at every Post-Office in the Kingdom.

             -- 8 2 0 7  NEWS  (General Post Office, April 24, 1782)

                 DANIEL HUGHES, standing charged on ~violent Suspicion of being an Accessary after the Fact to a Felony committed
             by George and Joseph Weston, now in Custody for robbing the Bristol Mail, on the 29th of January, 1781, near Cranford-
             Bridge,  in  the  county  of Middlesex;  Whoever  will  apprehend  the  said  Daniel  Hughes,  or  be  the  Means  of his  being
             apprehended, shall receive a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS, to be paid on his Conviction.
                 The said Daniel Hughes is by Trade a  Taylor, lately lived at No. 15, Leicester-street, near Swallow-street, and from
             thence removed to Mrs. Taylor's, Titchfield-street; he is Brother to Luke otherwise Lucius Hughes, now under Sentence of
             Death in Newgate, is  about Thirty Years  old,  Five Feet Four or Five Inches high, stout and well made, has a large Scar
             under One of his Jaws, wears his Hair, which is of a dark Colour, generally tied in a Queue, and lately kept a Lottery-Office
             near Charing cross.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Sec.

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