Page 162 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 162


             -- 8 3 0 4  NEWS  (General Post Office, December 30, 1783)
                 IF the Traveller who stopt at the House of Michael Gayton, the Sign of the White Hart, in Fenny Stratford, on Sunday
             Night the 30th of November last, will, as soon as possible, apply in Person to me at this Office,  or acquaint me by Letter
             where he may be wrote to, he will render an essential Service to the Public.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

             -- 8 4 0 1  0008  (General Post-Office, January, 1784)

                 A Lisr of Posr TOWNS in Scotland, with the Distances in English Miles, from Edinburgh, and the Rates of Postage
             with which they are to be charged from the Fifth Day ofJanuary 1784, according to the Act of the 9th of QueenAnne.
                                  Distance  from   Rates  of  Post-                      Distance  from   Rates  of  Post-
                                  Edinburgh  in   age  for  every                        Edinburgh  in   age  for  every
                                  English  Miles   Single  Letter                        English  Mi Les   Single  Letter
             Aberbrothwick             82            4d.           Kilmarnock  ••••••••••.••   70           3d.
             Aberdeen  .•••..•....•.••   129         4d.           Kircudbright  •••..•••••.   92           4d.
             Ayr  ••••••••••.••••••••.   75          3d.           Langholm  ••••••••••.••••   70           3d.
             Annan  ..•.........•.••••   92          4d.           Lochmaben  ••..••••••••••   65           3d.
             Ballantrae  •••....•.....   115         4d.           Maybole  .•.•••••••••••••   91           4d.
             Beith  ••••••••......•••.   67          3d.           Monihive                  69             3d.
             Bervie  ••..•.•••••.••••.   106         4d.           Montrose  •••••••••.•••••   94           4d.
             Berwick  •••••••.••••..••   55          3d.           Mui rdrum  ••.••••••••••••   76          3d.
             Brichen  .•..•.....•..•••   92          4d.           New  Galloway  •••••••.•••   83          4d.
             Carlingwark  .•••••••••..   90          4d.           Newton  Stewart  ...••••••   119         4d.
             Chance-Inn  •••.......•..   110         4d.           Paisley  .••.•••••••..•••   54           3d.
             Cri ef  .......•.••••••..•   56         3d.           Port-Glasgow  •..••••••••   67           3d.
             Dumbarton  •••••••......•   58          3d.           Ruthven                  293             4d.
             Dumfries  ..•...•.•••.•••   74          3d.           Rothsay  •••••••••..•••.••   83          4d.
            Dundee  ••..••••••••.....   65           3d.           Sanquhar  ••••••••••••••.   102          4d.
            Dunse  ••••••.•......••••   55           3d.           Stewarton  ...••••••••••.   65           3d.
             Gatehouse  of  Fleet  •••••   103       4d.           Stonehaven  •••••••••..••   115          4d.
             Girvan  •••••••••..•.....   103         4d.           Thornhill  ••••..•.••••.•   90           4d.
             Greenock  ........•..•.••   70          3d.           'Whithorn                119             4d.
             Irvine  ••.•••••••.•••••.   72          3d.           'Wi gtoun  ..•••••..••...••   108        4d.
             Jedburgh  •••••••.•.....•   58          3d.

             -- 8 4 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, April 3, 1784)

                 HIS  Majesty's  Post-Master  General th4ik  it  proper to  give  this  Public  Notice  to  the  Members  of both Houses  of
             Parliament, that their Letters and Packets~ on Thursday next the 8th Instant, begin to pass free as  usual, being Forty
             Days before the Summons of the New Parliainent.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Sec.

             -- 8 4 0 3  0009  (Gen~ral Post-Office, May 22, 1784)

                 NOTICE was given by an Advertisement from this Office of the 18th of November last, that the Packet Postage of one
             Shilling for a single Letter, and so in Proportion, between LoNDON and NEW-YORK, might or not be paid beforehand; but
             Difficulties having arisen in the Collection of the Packet Postage in NORTII-AMERICA, it now becomes necessary to inform
             the Public,  that  both the  Inland  and Packet  Postage  on all Letters from  any Part of GREAT-BRITAIN  or  IREIAND  for

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