Page 161 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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         and other things, after the rate of eight pence British money for every ounce weight; And for the port of every single letter
         or piece  of paper to or  from  any  place above  fifty  such  miles  distant  from  the  said chief  office in Edinburgh,  and not
         exceeding eighty such miles, and within that part of Great Britain called Scotland, three pence; and for the like port of every
         double letter, sixpence, and so proportionably to the said rates for the port of every packet of letters; and for the like port of
         every packet of writs, deeds, and other things, after the rate of twelve pence British money for every ounce weight; And for
         the port of every single letter or piece of paper to or from any place above eighty English miles distant from the said chief
         office in Edinburgh, and within that part of Great Britain called Scotland, four pence British money; and for the like port of
         every double letter, eight pence, and so proportionably to the said rates for the port of every packet of letters; and for the
         like port of every packet of writs, deeds,  and other things, after the rate of one shilling and four pence British money for
         every ounce weight."
             His Majesty's  Postmasters  General having  applied  to  this  office  for  a  list  of the  post  towns  in Scotland,  and the
         distances in English miles,  in order  to ascertain  the proper  rates of postage conformable  to the foresaid  act,  as it was
         apprehended  they  were  in  many  instances  under-rated  to  the  prejudice  of  the  revenue;  and  the  same  having  been
         transmitted, it did appear, that the letters between Edinburgh and a number of post towns are now charged much lower
         than they ought to have been by the foresaid act; and therefore they were pleased to order, That from and after the fifth day
         of January next, all letters between Edinburgh and the towns of which a list is annexed, be charged according to the rates of
         postage prescribed by the said act; and which rates are, for single letters, specified in the said list.
             Therefore, from the above date, all letters are to be charged according to the foresaid rates for every single letter, and
         so in proportion; of which this public notification is given.
                                                                          DAVID ROSS, Sec.

                                            A  LISI' OF Posr TOWNS IN ScoTI.AND,
             With the distances, in English miles, from Edinburgh, and the rates of postage with which they are to be charged from
         the 5th day of January 1784, according to the act of the 9th of Queen Anne.

                              Distance  from   Rates  of  Post-                      Distance  from   Rates  of  Post-
                              Edinburgh  in   age  for  every                        Edinburgh  in   age  for  every
                              English  Mi Les   Single  Letter                       English  Mi Les   Single  Letter
        Aberbrothwick  .. . . . . . . . . .   82   4d.         Kilmarnock  . ............   70          3d •
        Aberdeen   ···············   129         4d.           Kirkcudbright   ··········   92          4d.
        Ayr   ····················   75          3d.           Langholm   ···············   70          3d.
        Annan   ··················   92          4d.           Lochmaben   ··············   65          3d.
        Bal lantrae  .............   115         4d.           Maybole  . ...............   91          4d •
        Beith  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   67   3d.   Monihive   ···············   69         3d •
        Bervie  .................   106          4d.           Montrose   ···············   94          4d •
        Berwick  ................   55           3d.           Muirdrl.ID  . ..............   76        3d •
        Brech en   ················   92         4d.           New  Galloway   ···········   83         4d.
        Carlingwark  .............   90          4d.           Newton  Stewart   ·········   119        4d.
        Chance-Inn   ·············   120         4d.           Paisley  ................   54           3d.
        Cri eff   ·················   56         3d.           Port-Glasgow   ···········   67          3d.
        Dumbarton   ··············   58          3d.           Ruthven   ················   293         4d.
        Dumfries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   74   3d.     Roth say  . ...............   83         4d •
        Dundee  . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   65   3d.  i   Sanquhar   ···············   102     4d •
        Dunse  ..................   55           3d.  I        Stewarton  . .............   65          3d •
        Gatehouse  of  Fleet  .....   103        4d.           Stonehaven  . ............   115         4d •
        Girvan   ·················   103         4d.           Thornhill  ..............   90           4d.
        Greenock  . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..   70   3d.   Whithorn   ···············   119         4d •
        Irvine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   72   3d.   IJigtoun  . ...............   108        4d •
        Jedburgh  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   58   3d •

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