Page 159 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 159


          -- 8 2 0 8  0005  (July 22, 1782)

                                             By Command of the Right Honourable
                                                 TIIE Posr-MAsrER-GENERAL.
                                    RULES to be observed by the Captains, Officers, and Seamen,
                                  belonging to his Majesty's Pacquet-Boats on the Fa/mouth Station.
              First.  THAT when two,  or more Pacquet-Boats meet in a  foreign Port, the junior Captain shall wait  on the senior
          immediately,  and, if any Assistance to each other should be wanting, the senior Captain to have it in his power to order
          such number of hands from the other Pacquet-Boats, as may be necessary to expedite the ship in turn of sailing.
              Secondly.  THAT every Captain of a Pacquet-Boat, coming into port from a voyage, shall give every seaman, belonging
          to his ship, who requests it, his discharge in writing, unless, the Captain of such Pacquet-Boat shall be ordered by the Agent
          to get ready for sea immediately; in which case, he shall be justified in refusing a discharge to the seamen.
              Thirdly  THAT  no  Captain of a  Pacquet-Boat shall ship,  or take  on board his  said  Pacquet-Boat any seaman,  not
          having such written discharge, except such man has not been before employed in the Pacquet's service.
              Fourthly.  THAT in case of the desertion of any seaman from  a Pacquet-Boat, the Captain shall be obliged before he
          sails on his next Voyage, to give in his name to the Agent's Clerk, to the end, that such Deserter may not be again employed
          in the Pacquet-Service, unless, directions shall be given to the contrary by a Committee; which Committee is to consist of
          the Agent with any three, or more of the Captains, then in the Port of Fa/mouth.
              Fifthly.  THAT  any  Captain,  having  a  complaint  against  a  seaman  for  misbehaviour,  shall give  in  his  name to  the
          Agent, that a Committee may be called, who are to hear the complaint, with the seaman's defence,  and give their opinion
          on the matter; And,  if it shall appear to them,  that such seaman is no longer worthy of being employed in the Pacquet-
          service, he shall not be received by any Captain on board his Pacquet-Boat; unless the Committee shall, on such seaman's
          making proper concession, think him worthy of being again taken into the service: in which case, the Committee shall be
          impowered to grant him a certificate, on producing which, any Captain may again receive him on board his ship.
              Sixthly.  THAT the Agent's Clerk for the time being,  shall keep a regular list of the name,  and description of every
          Seaman,  who,  any  Captain  may  inform  him,  has  deserted,  or  otherwise  offended;  And that  such  list  shall  always  be
          produced by him at every muster on board the several Pacquet-Boats.
              Seventhly.  THAT a Captain, having any thing to propose for the benefit of the service, shall apply to the Agent, who
          shall, as soon as conveniently may be, call a Committee of the Captains, then in port, of which he is at all times to be the
          president, when such Captain shall give in his proposals in writing to the Committee.
              Eighthly.  THAT  every Captain, being duly Summoned by the Agent's  order,  shall attend the Committee; unless he
          gives a satisfactory excuse to the members thereof.
              Ninthly.  THAT  every seaman, whilst employed in the Pacquet-Service, thinking himself ill used or aggrieved by any
          Captain of a Pacquet-Boat, may apply to the Agent for the time being, who shall immediately summon a Committee, and
          they hear each party, and make such report thereon, and grant such relief, as they shall see proper.
              Tenthly.  THAT these articles be lodged, and deposited for  the benefit of all parties with the Agent of the Pacquet-
          Boats, for the time being, whose Clerk shall read the same, or true copies thereof, publicly, at every muster. And, that these
          Articles shall commence, and take place from the twenty-second day of October next.
                                                                              STEPHEN BELL, Agent.

          -- 8 2 0 9  NEWS  (General Post Office, November·9, 1782)
              JOSEPH Beeten, lately committed to the Common Gaol for the Borough of Lynn, for robbing the Mail near that Town
          on the 19th of October last,  effected his  Escape from  thence about Eight o'Clock in the Evening of the 7th Instant, by
          Means of a Rope which was thrown over the Wall of the Gaol from an adjoining Yard.
              The said Joseph Beeten is about Five Feet Nine or Ten Inches high, slender and genteel in his Person, about Twenty
          Years of Age,  of a fair Complexion, wears his own Hair loose, which is of a light brown Colour, is a Native of Lynn, and
          brought up to the Business of a Sail-maker. When he escaped he was dressed in a light coloured Coat, broad blue striped
          Waistcoat, lapelled, Nankeen Breeches, white Stockings, and a flapped Hat.
              Whoever will apprehend the said Joseph Beeten, and secure him in any of His Majesty's Goals in this Kingdom, shall
          receive a Reward of FlFrY POUNDS.
                                                                           ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

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