Page 195 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 195


                       of  the  Jan.  Feb.   Mar.   Apr.   May   June   July   Aug   Sept.   Oct.   Nov.   Dec.
                        25         12Nt   Sun.   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   6'hNt   Sun.   8Ev
                        26         Sun.   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   Sun.   6'hE.v   ?Ev   8'hNt   8'hNt
                        27         12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   Sun.   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   7'hE.v   8Ev   9Nt   9'hNt
                        28         12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   ?Ev   8'hNt   Sun.   10Nt  1 O'hNt
                        29         12Nt   12Nt   Sun.   12Nt   12Nt   Sun.   8Ev   9'hNt   9'hNt   11Nt   11Nt
                        30               12Nt   12Nt   12Nt   6'hE.v   ?Ev   9Nt   sun.  10'hNt  11'hNt   Sun.
                        31               12Nt        12Nt         8Ev   10Nt        11'hNt       12Nt
              Houses are established for the Receipt of Letters for the General Post-Office, until Eight o'Clock each Night, at the
          following Places within this City, viz.
               Menzie's,  North  Earl-street,                  No.  26,  Meath-street,     No.  5,  Clare-street.
               No.  76,  Capel-street,  near  Bolton-street,   No.  88,  Bride-street,
               No.  153,  Church-street,  Corner  of  Arran-Quay,   No.  35,  Aungier-street,
                                                                           JOHN LEES, Secretary.

          -- 9 2 0 2  0016  (General-Post-Office, London, April Sth, 1792)
                                                                                          Postage  of  a  Single  Letter
                                                                                              in  British  Pence

             From  any  Post-Office  in  England,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding  one  Stage  from  such  Office   2d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  England,  to  any  Place  above  one,  and  not  exceeding  two  Stages
                  from  such  Office,  and  not  passing  through  London  .•••••••••••••••••••••.•..•••••••••••••••••   3d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  England,  to  any  Place  above  two  Stages,  and  not  exceeding
                 80  Miles,  and  not  passing  through  London  ..••••••••••.•.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••   4d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  England,  to  any  Place  above  80,  and  not  exceeding  150  Miles,
                 and  not  passing  through  London  .•.••.•...•••.••...•••••••••••••••••...••...•..••..•••••••••.•   5d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  England,  to  any  Place  above  150  Miles,  not  passing  through  London ••••••••   6d.

             Between  London  and  Edinburgh,  Dumfries,  or  Cockburnspeth  •.•••••.••.•.•..•.•••..••••••••••..•••••   7d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  Scotland,  to  any  Place  not  exceeding  one  Stage  from  such  Office  ..••.••••   2d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  Scotland,  to  any  Place  in  the  same  Kingdom  above  one  Stage,
                 and  not  exceeding  50  Miles,  and  not  passing  through  Edinburgh  ••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••   3d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  Scotland,  to  any  Place  in  the  same  Kingdom  above  50,
                 and  not  exceeding  80  Miles,  and  not  passing  through  Edinburgh  ••.•.•••••..••.....••••••••••..   4d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  Scotland,  to  any  Place  in  the  same  Kingdom  above  80,
                 and  not  exceeding  150  Miles,  and  not  passing  through  Edinburgh  ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••   5d.
             From  any  Post-Office  in  Scotland,  to  any  Place/above  150  Miles,                                     ~"
                 and  not  passing  through  Edinburgh  .••...•• '. •••.•••••••••••••••••••••...••.•••••••••••••••••.•   6d.
             Between  Port  Patrick  in  Scotland,  and  Donaghadee  in  Ireland,  by  Packet-Boats,
                 over  and  above  all  other  Rates  ••••.••••.••.•••••••••••••.••..•••••••••••••••••••....••••••••   2d.
             Letters  to  and  from  any  Part  of  England  and  any  Part  of  Scotland,
                 not  passing  through  London,  Edinburgh,  Dumfries  or  Cockburnspeth,  are  not  chargeable,
                 if Single,  higher  than  •••..••••.••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••   7d.
             Letters  to  and  from  Glasgow,  or  the  intermediate  Places  by  Carlisle,  are  not  to  pay
                 an  higher  Rate  of  Postage,  than  if  sent  through  Edinburgh.

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