Page 197 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 197


          Great-Britain,  together with the  Contents thereof,  shall be charged more  than as  a Treble Letter,  unless  the same shall
          weigh an Ounce, when it is  to be rated as Four Single Letters, and so in proportion for  every Quarter of an Ounce above
          that Weight, reckoning each Quarter as a Single Letter.                                           '
              Letters to  all Parts of Europe  are dispatched from London  every Tuesday  and Friday;  and to Portugal by the \~ 1cket
          Boats to Lisbon every Wednesday: Also                                                             '.2 rf•.
              Letters  to  the  Leeward Islands  are  dispatched  from  London  the  First  and  Third  Wednesday  in  every  Mont  ;  to
          Jamaica,  and all Parts of North America on the First Wednesday in every Month only.                ~

          -- 9 2 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, April 14, 1792)

              AT the Lent Assizes, 1792, for  the County of Cambridge, an Indictment was found by the Grand Jury against Spence
          Broughton and John Oxley for robbing the Cambridge Mail,  near Bourn Bridge, on the 9th of June last; and at the same
          Assizes for  the County of York an Indictment was likewise found against them for  robbing the Mail between Sheffield and
          Rother am on the 29th of January, 1791; on which last Indictment Broughton was tried and convicted.
              Oxley escaped out of Clerkenwell Bridewell on the 31st of October last.
              He is about Twenly-five Years of Age, Five Feet Ten Inches high, pale faced, rather pitted with the Small Pox,  and his
          Nose turned a little to the Right.
              Whoever shall secure the said John Oxley, and lodge him  in any of the Gaols of this Kingdom, within Three Months
          from  the  Date  hereof,  will  be  entitled  to  a  Reward  of  ONE  HUNDRED  POUNDS,  to  be  paid  immediately  on  his
                                                                           ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

          -- 9 2 0 4  0017  (General Post-Office, August 10, 1792)

              I Send you herewith a Number of Advertisements, to prevent the illegal Conveyance of Letters, one of which you will
          be pleased to put into the Hands of every Person in your Town and District, of the Profession or Occupation described in
          the Advertisement, to whom it is particularly addressed. You will also be pleased to affix one of these Advertisements,  at
          the Window of your Office, and in some of the most conspicuous Parts of your Town and Neighbourhood, that all Persons
          may  be  made  acquainted  with  the  Intention  of  the  POSTMASTER-GENERAL,  to  prosecute  Offenders  with  the  utmost
                                                    I am, SIR, Your very Humble Servant,.
                                                            JOHNSON WILKINSON, Surveyor of the General Post-Office.

          -- 9 2 0 5  0018  (undated)

                                                   CAUTION to POST-BOYS.

              BY the Act of 5th of Geo. Ill. If any Post-Boy, or Rider, having taken any of his  Majesty's Mails, or Bags of Letters,
          under his  Care, to  convey to the next Post Town or Stage, shall suffer  any other Person (except a Guard)  to ride on the
          Horse or Carriage, or shall Loiter on the Road, and wilfully mispend his Time, so as to retard the Arrival of the said Mails,
          or Bags  of Letters,  at the  next  Post Town or Stage. - Every such Offender  shall,  on  Conviction  before  One Justice,  be
          committed  to  the  House  of  Correction,  and  confined  to  hard  Labour  for  one  Month.  All  Post-Boys  and  Riders  are
          therefore desired  to  take  Notice of this,  and are hereby cautioned not  to  fail  in the regular Performance  of their Duty,
          otherwise they will most assuredly be punished as  the Law directs. And it is  hoped and requested, for  the Benefit of public
          Correspondence, that  all Persons,  who  may  observe  any  Post-Boy  or Rider,  offending  as  aforesaid,  will give  immediate
          Notice to
                                                                 Johnson Wilkinson, Surveyor of the General Post-Office.

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