Page 196 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 196


              Between  London  and  Dublin,  by  Way  of  Holyhead                                   6d.
              Between  London  and  Donaghadee,  by  Way  of  Carlisle  and  Port  Patrick          12d.
                                                        ISLE OF MAN.
              Between  Great  Britain,  and  the  Isle  of  Man,  by  Packet-Boats,  over  and  above  all  other  Rates  •.•••   2d.

               For the Port of every Letter or Packet, passing or re passing within the Cities of London or Westminster,  the Borough
           of Southwark and their Suburbs, (which Letter or Packet is  not to exceed the Weight of 4 Ounces, unless coming from  or
           passing to  the  General-Post)  One Penny  upon  putting in  the  same,  as  also  a  Penny upon  the Delivery  of such  as  are
           directed to any Place beyond the said Cities, Borough, or Suburbs, within the District of the Penny-Post Delivery.

                                                        SHIP LETTERS.
                                                                                          Postage  of  a  Single  Letter
                                                                                              in  British  Pence
              For  the  Port  of  every  Letter  or  Packet  of  Letters  in  any  Part  of
                 His  Majesty's  Dominions  directed  to,  or  coming  from,  on  board  of  any  Ship,
                 over  and  above  the  Rates  before-mentioned  •••••••••.••••••••••••.....•.•••.••••.•...•••••••••   1d.
              For  every  Letter  or  Packet  coming  from  on  Ship-board  for  the  Town  where  landed,
                or  the  Delivery  thereof,  One  Penny,  with  the  Penny  paid  to  the  Master,  Mariner,
                or  Passenger  bringing  the  same,  being  for  every  such  Letter  or  Packet  ••••...•••.••..••.•••...   2d.

                                      His Majesty's WEST-INDIA Islands, and NORTH-AMERICA.
              For  Letters  conveyed  by  Packet-Boats  between  London  and  any  Port
                 in  His  Majesty's  West-India  Islands,  or  North  America.......................................   12d.
              For  Letters  conveyed  by  Packet-Boats  from  any  Port  in  the  West-India  Islands,
                 or  His  Majesty's  Dominions  in  North  America,  to  any  other  Port  thereof  ........••••••••••••••   4d.
              For  the  Inland  Conveyance  of  Letters  in  the  said  Dominions  between  any  Office
                 and  any  Place,  not  exceeding  60  English  Miles  ••••••.•••••••••••••.•......•.••••••••••••••••   4d.
              For  any  Distance  above  60  English  Miles,  and  not  exceeding  100  Miles  ......•••••••••••••••••••••   6d.
              For  any  Distance  above  100,  and  not  exceeding  200  English  Miles              8d.
              And  so  in  Proportion,  the  Postage  increasing  Two  Pence  a  Single  Letter  for  any  Distance
                 above  every  100  Miles.

                                                      FOREIGN LETTERS.
              Letters  from  London  to  any  Part  of  Holland,  France,  or  Flanders,  pay  no  Foreign  Postage.
              From  any  Part  of  Holland,  France,  or  Flanders ,  to  London............................. ..........   10d.
              Between  London  and  any  Part  of  Spain  or  Portugal  through  France,  or  by  Lisbon..................   18d.
              Between  London  and  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Turke}· and  S;;itH:oland,  through  France  • . . . • . . . . . .   15d.
              Between  London  and  any  Part  of  Italy,  Sicily,  Turkey,  Germany,  Switzerland,  Denmark,
                 Sweden,  Russia,  and  all  Parts  of  the  North,  through  Holland  and  Flanders....................   12d.

               Letters  and  Packets  from  any  Part  of Great  Britain  or Ireland,  for  any  of  the  Places  under  the  Title,  FOREIGN
           LETTERS,  before  mentioned,  and  for  North  America,  are,  besides,  the said  Foreign Rates  and Packet Postage  to North
          America,  to  pay at  the  Office where  they are put in,  the full  Port to London,  without which  they  cannot be forwarded;
           therefore, All Persons are to take particular Notice thereof to prevent the Necessity of their Letters being opened and retumed
           for the Postage.
               All Merchants Accounts not exceeding one Sheet of Paper, and all Bills of Exchange, Invoices, and Bills of Lading, to
           or from  any of the Foreign Parts or Places beforementioned, and the Covers of Letters to or from  Turkey,  not exceeding
           one Quarter of a Sheet of Paper, are allowed to pass without Payment of the Foreign Postage, but are to pay the full Inland
           Port to and from London.
               All Double,  Treble,  and  other Letters  and Packets whatever  (except  by  the Penny-Post)  pay  in  proportion  to  the
           respective Rates  of Single  Letters before  specified; but no Letter or Packet to  and from  Places  within the Kingdom  of

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