Page 204 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 204


            -9 310  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 11, 1793)

                WHEREAS Edward Miles, the Person advertised in October 1791, to be concerned in the horrid Murder of the Post
            Boy, and the Robbery of the Mail near Warrington on the 15th September 1791, was lately apprehended, and is committed
            to Lancaster Castle for Trial;
                And whereas some Persons, whose Names  are well known, are strongly suspected of being Accomplices in, or privy
            to, the said Murder and Robbery.
                If any one of them will surrender him or herself to Thomas Lyon, Esq. of Warrington, or any other Magistrates for the
            County of Lancaster, within Twenty Days  from  the  Date hereof,  such  person will  receive  his  Majesty's  most  gracious
            Pardon, be admitted an Evidence for the Crown, and be entitled to a REwARD of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, payable on the
            Conviction of the said Edward Miles.
                And all Persons acquainted with any Circumstances respecting the said Edward Miles, are requested, for the sake of
            Public Justice,  to  communicate  the same forthwith,  to  Mr.  Lyon,  or to  the Postmasters  of Warrington,  Liverpool,  or
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

            -- 9 4 0 1  0030  [General Post-Office, January 20, 1794]

                HEREWITH you will receive a Number of printed Letter-Bills, which vary from the Form now in Use, it having been
            found necessary that the Amount of the Letters both paid and unpaid, shall be inserted in the Bill of the same Day,  on
            which such Letters are sent:
                For instance, the Letters sent away on one Day shall not as at present be entered in the Bill of the next Day.
                You will therefore use these Bills, on and after the lst of February next, so that each Day's Letters may be accompanied
           by a Bill stating their Amount.
                                                            I am, SIR, Your obedient Servant,
                                                                  FRANCIS FREELING, Principal and Resident Surveyor.
                N.  B.  Be particular in dating your Bills, and entering your Money-Letters.
                                   From                 This  Day  the   of            179

                                                                  £.   s.   d.  I £.   s.  I d.  I
                                                                             I        I   I
                                   Amount  of  Letters  paid  for  ••••••  I   I   I   I   I   I   I
                                                                I    I   I   I    I   I   I
                                   Unpaid  Letters  for  London  •••••••  I   I   I   I   I   I   I
                                  Ditto  passing  thro'  London  ••••••  I   I   I   I   I   I   I
                                                                I    I   I   I    I   I   I
                                                       Total  £   I   I   I   I   I   I   I

                                                         Money  Letter.

           -- 9 4 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, February 3, 1794)

                Notice is hereby given, that a Packet will sail every Thursday from Weymouth for the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey,
           and a Mail with the Letters for those Islands will be made up and sent from this Office every Wednesday Night. The First
           Mail is to sail, if possible, on Thursday the 6th Instant.
                The Course the Packet will take, and the Times of her Stay and Return, will be in general, and, unless in Cases of
           particular and occasional Orders to the contrary, the same as  in the last War, namely, to sail to Guernsey and drop her

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