Page 209 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 209


                                          Time  of  departure                                    Time  of  departure
                                           from  the  uncler-                                     from  the  uncler-
             Place  Names         A   B    ment i oned  places       Place  Names        A   B    ment i oned  places
                                           Morning  Aftern.                                       Morning  Aftern.
         Bethal  Green  (cont'd)           11  45              Gray's-inn-rd.  near  Midd.   w   3
         Blackheath       Kent    c   3     9  15   4  15         the  Welch  School*
         Blackwall*       Midd.   c   3     7  0   4  0        Golder's  Green   Midd.   c   2
                                           11  0               Greenwich        Kent    c    3    9  0    4  0
         Bow              Midd.   c   3     9  45   4  45      Greenland  Dock*   Surry   c   3   7  0    4  0
         Brentford        Midd.   w   3     9  0   4  0                                          11  0
         Brixton  Causeway   Surry   c   2                     Hackney          Midd.   c    3    9  15   4  0
         Bromley          Midd.   c   3                        Ditto  Road  near   Midd.   c   3
         Brompton         Midd.   w   3     9  15   4  15         the  Nag's  Head*
         Bush  Hill       Midd.   c   3                        Haggerston  or   Midd.   c    3
         Camberwell       Surry   c   3     9  15   4  0          Agaston*
         Cambridge  Heath   Midd.   c   3                      Ham               Surry   c   3    8  15   3  15
         Camden  Town     Midd.   c   3     9 30   4  30       Hammersmith      Midd.   w    3    9  15   4  15
         Charlton         Kent    c   2     9  0   4  0        Hampstead        Midd.   c    3    9  0    4  0
         Charlton  New    Kent    c   2                        Hanse  Town      Midd.   w    3    9  15   4  15
         Chelsea  & Little do.Midd.   w   3   9  0   4  0      Hanwel l         Midd.   w    2    8  0    3  0
         Chigwell         Essex   c    2    8  15   3  15      Hendon           Midd.   c    2    8  0    3  0
         Chingford        Essex   c                2  30       Highgate         Midd.   c    3    9  15   4  15
         Chiswick         Midd.   w   3     9  0   4  0        Highwood-Hill    Midd.   c    2
         City Road  near   Midd.   c   3                       Holloway  Down   Essex   c    2
            the Turnpike                                       Holloway         Midd.   c    2
         Do~  near  the  Shep.  Midd.   c   3                  Holsden  Green   Midd.   w
            and  Shepherdess*                                  Hornsey          Midd.   c    2   vide  Crouch  Encl.
         Clapham          Surry   c   3     9  30   4 30       Homme rt on      Midd.   c    3    9  15   4  0
         Clapton          Midd.   c   3     9  15   4  0       Hoxton  nr  the  Hare*  Midd.   c   3   7 45   4  45
         Cotney  Hatch    Midd.   c   2     8  15   3  15                                        11  45
         Crouch  Encl     Midd.   c   2     8  45   3  45      Hyde             Midd.   w                 2  30
         Cuckold's  Point*   Surry   c   3                     I l ford         Essex   c    3    8  30   3  15
         Dalston          Midd.   c   3                        llford,  Little   Essex   c   2
         Deptford         Kent    c   3     9  15   4  15      Islington        Midd.   c    3   10  0    5  0
         Deptfd  Lower-road   Surry   c   3                    Kennington       Surry   c    3    9  30   4  0
           near  China  Hall*                                  Kensington       Midd.   w    3    9  30   4 30
         Dog  and  Duck-road   Surry   c   3                   Ditto  Gravel  Pits   Midd.   w   3   9  0   4  0
           St.  George's-fids                                  Kentish  Town    Midd.   c    3    9  15   4  15
         Dulwich          Surry   c   2     8  30   3  30      Kent-street  Road   Surry   c   3   10  0   5  0
         Ealing           Midd.   w   3     8  15   3  15      Kew              Surry   w    3    8  30   3  30
         Ealing,  Litt le   Midd.   w   2                      Kilburn          Midd.   w
         East  Barnet     Herts   c   2     7  30   3  0       Kingsbury        Midd.   w    1
         East  Ham        Essex   c   3     8  30   3  30      Kingsland        Midd.   c    3   10  0    5  0
         East  Sheen      Surry   c   3     9  0   4  0        Ditto  Rd  near  the   Midd.   c   3
         Edmonton         Midd.   c   3     9  15   4  15        Irormongers'  Alms-houses*.
         Eltham           Kent    c   3     8  0   3  0        Kingsland  Crescent  Midd.   c   3
         Enfield          Midd.   c   3     9  0   4  0        Knightsbridge    Midd.   w   3     9  45   4  45
         Ditto  Highway   Midd.   c   3     8  15   3  15      Lambeth,  South  of   Surry   w   3   7 45   4  45
         Finchley         Midd.   c   3     9  0   4  0           Church-street*                 11  45
         Fryern  Barnet   Midd.   c   3   vide  Cotney  Hatch   Lee             Kent    c    2
         Fulham           Midd.   w   3     8  30   3  30      Lewisham         Kent    c   3     8  30   3  30
         Grange  Bermonclsey*  Surry   c   3                   Leyton           Essex   c    3    8  30   3  30
                                        A =  Principal  Office   B =No.  of  Deliveries

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