Page 212 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 212


             -- 9 415  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 7, 1794)

                 AN Advertisement was on the 20th February last published by order of his Majesty's Postmaster-General, offering a
             Reward of FIFTY POUNDS to whoever should apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted the person
             or persons who stole the Lynn, Stoke, Downham, Brandon, Swaffham, Rougham, Fakenham, and Wells (in Norfolk) Bags
             of Letters at the General Post Office, in Lombard-street, on the 19th of the said Month; since which time a person hath
             been apprehended, and is now in custody, on suspicion of being concerned in the said Felony.
                 There being great reason to believe that others were concerned therein, and particularly a person who called himself
             William Smallman, and said he lived at Deptford, and who purchased a Carriage Horse at Chaldock Fair, near Ashford in
             Kent, on the 8th of October last; if he, or any other concerned in the said Robbery, or privy thereto, will surrender himself
             before the Sitting Magistrates, at any of the Police Offices in London, on or before the 30th Instant, and make discovery so
             that any one or more of the persons who committed the Robbery may be convicted thereof, such discoverer shall receive a
             reward of FIFIY POUNDS, and will also be entitled to his Majesty's most gracious pardon.
                                                                             ANTHONY TODD, Sec.
                 The Horse bought at Chaldock Fair, is a Black Gelding, 5 years old next Spring, near 15 hands 3 inches high, has a small
             Star very high on his forehead,  4 white Feet as high as the Fetlock.  The hair on the near hind Leg above the Hock grows twisted,
             owing to an accident when a Colt.

             -- 9 416  0031  (Salisbury Post-Office, November 22, 1794)

                                                         A Mail Robbery.

                 NOTICE  is  hereby  given,  that  last  Night,  about  Eleven  o'Clock,  the  Boy,  carrying  the  Cross-Country  Mail  from
             BRISTOL to PORSIMOUTII, was attacked between Langford and Stapleford, by a short thick Man, on a black Horse, dressed
             in a Smock Frock. who tied the Boy's Hands and Legs, and afterwards ROBBED  1HE MAIL, by breaking open many of the
             Bags, and taking out various Bills contained in the Letters; and who also took away the MAIL HORSE,  which was a Dun-
             Coloured GELDING, about fourteen Hands high, with his Knees broken.
                 Ample  Rewards  are  at  all  Times  given  by his  Majesty's  Post-Master  General,  for  ap:prenhending  and  convicting
             Persons guilty of such Offences.
                 N.  B.  From the general Appearance, Expressions, and Conduct of the Man, he is apparently the same as robbed the
             Mail in June last, but a few Miles distant from the same Place.

             -- 9 41 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 24, 1794)
                 THE Post-Boy carrying the Cross Post Mail from Warminster to Salisbury,  containing th.e  Bags from  Bristol, Bath,
             Frome, Warminster, and Heytesbury, for Salisbury, Winchester, Southampton and Portsmouth,  on Friday Night the 21st
             Instant, was stopt about Eleven o'Clock, between Langford and Stapleford, by a Man on Horseback, who tied the Boy's
             Hands and Legs, and robbed the Mail by breaking open many of the Bags, and taking out the Contents of various Letters.
             He also took from the Boy a dun-coloured Gelding, about Fourteen Hands high, with broken Knees, leaving his own Horse
             behind him, which is a dark Bay or Brown Galloway, Thirteen Hands and a Half high, a small Star in his Forehead, and a
             neat Saddle and Curb Bridle.
                 The Person who committed this Robbery is described to be a short thick Man, dressed in a Smock Frock. From his
            Appearance, Expression and Conduct, he is supposed to be the same Man who robbed the same Mail in June last, near to
             the Place where this Robbery was committed.
                 Whoever shall apprehend and  convict,  or cause to be apprehended and  convicted,  the Person who committed this
             Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS,  over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament
            for  apprehending  of Highwaymen;  or if any Person,  whether an Accomplice in  the Robbery,  or knowing  thereof, shall
             surrender himself and make Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to

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