Page 214 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 214


                The several persons who by law are authorised, in right of their Offices and Employments to send and receive Letters
           free from Postage, and their successors in such Offices and Employments, may during their continuance in such Offices and
           Employments, send and receive Letters and Packets, free from Postage, as they now send and receive the same.
                No printed Votes or Proceedings in Parliament, or printed Newspapers sent without covers, or in covers open at the
           sides, which shall be signed on the ouside thereof by the hand of any Member of Parliament as heretofore practised, or
           which shall be directed to any such Member at any place whereof he shall have given notice in writing to the Postmaster
           General, or his Deputy, shall be charged with Postage.
                No single Letter sent by the Post from any Non-commissioned Officer, Seaman, or Private employed in His Majesty's
           Navy, Army, Militia, Fencible Regiments, Artillery or Marines,  shall, whilst such Non-commissioned Officer, Seaman or
           Private shall be employed on his Majesty's service, and not otherwise, be charged with an higher rate of Postage than the
           sum of one Penny for the conveyance of each such Letter, such Postage to be paid at the time of putting the same into the
           Post-Office of the town or place from whence such Letter is intended to be sent by the Post.
                Provided, That no such Letter shall be exempted from Postage, unless there shall be written thereon, in the hand-
           writing of and signed by the Commanding Officer for the time being of the ship or vessel,  or of the corps, regiment,  or
           detachment, to which such non-commissioned Officer, Seaman,  or Private shall belong, the name of such Commanding
           Officer, and of the ship, vessel, corps, regiment, or detachment commanded by him.
                No single Letter, directed to any such non-commissioned Officer, Seaman, or Private, upon his own private concerns,
           only whilst  such  non-commissioned  Officer,  Seaman,  or  Private  shall  be  employed  on  his  Majesty's  service,  and  not
           otherwise, shall be charged with an higher rate of Postage than one penny for each such Letter, which penny shall be paid
           at the time of the delivery thereof.
               Provided, that no such Letter shall be exempted from the Rates of Postage chargeable upon Letters, unless any such
           Letter shall  be directed  to such  Non-commissioned Officer,  Seaman,  or Private, specifying the Ship,  Vessel,  Regiment,
           Troop, Corps,  Company,  or Detachment to which he may belong:  And provided also that it shall not be lawful  for the
           Deputy-Postmaster of the town or place to which such Letter shall be sent to be delivered, to deliver such Letter to ·any
           person,  except  to the  Non-commissioned Officer,  Seaman,  or Private to whom  such Letter shall be directed,  or to  any
           person appointed to receive the same by the Commanding Officer of the Ship, &c. to which the Non-commissioned Officer,
           Seaman, or Private to whom such Letter shall be directed shall belong.
               Every Packet or Cover containing therein, or having affixed thereto, one or more paper or papers, with patterns, or
           one or more pattern or patterns of cloth, Silk, Stuff, or other Goods, or one or more Sample or Samples of any other sort of
           thing, not exceeding together one ounce in Weight, shall be charged with no higher rate of Postage that as a single Letter,
           so as every such Packet or Cover shall be sent open at the sides, and without any letter or writing in, upon, or with such
           Packet or Cover, other than the name or names of the person or persons sending the same, and the place or places of his or
           their abode, and the prices of the Articles contained therein, or affixed thereto, The Act may be seen at every Post Office.
                                                                            ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

           -- 9 5 0 4  NEWS  (General Post Office, May 20, 1795)

               THERE will be daily attendance in the Foreign Department of this Office, from the hour of 11 in the forenoon, to the
           hour of three in the afternoon, to put in execution an Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled, "An Act to
           enable his Majesty's Postmaster General to open and return certain letters contained in the Mails made up at the General
           Post-Office, in London, for the United Provinces, on the 13th, 16th, and 20th Days of January, 1795, and now remaining in
           the said General Post-Office."
               An Abstract of the Act and forms of the Oath required to be taken, may be had at this Office.
                                                                            ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

           -- 9 S 0 S  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 8, 1795)

               ATIENDANCE will for the future be given in the Foreign Department of this Office, every Monday, Wednesday, and
           Friday, till further notice, from the hour of 11 in the forenoon to the hour of three in the afternoon, to put in execution an
           Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled, "An Act to enable his Majesty's Postmaster General to open and
           return certain letters contained in the Mails made up at the General Post-Office, in London, for the United Provinces, on
           the 13th, 16th, and 20th Days of January, 1795, and now remaining in the said General Post-Office."

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