Page 219 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 219


              The under descnbed Bank Notes were taken away:
                                                £50   No.  511  - October  6th,  1796.
                                                £10   No.  2161  - November  24th,  1796,
                                                 £5   No.  9728  - November  3d,  1796.
                                                 £5   No.  4588
                                                 £5   No.  3318
                                                 £5   No.  8189
                                                 £5   No.  4180

                                        All  the  Bank  Notes,  except  the  £50,  are  wrote  upon  "J.  Prior,  P.P.0.  11

          -- 9 614  NEWS  (General Post Office, December 12, 1796)

              THERE being great Reason to apprehend the Bags of Letters, which should have arrived at this Office on Saturday
         Morning the 26th Ultimo, from the following Towns:

                             Oakham,          Spalding,          Grantham,          \lansford,
                             Uppingham,       Peterborough,      Colsterworth,      Oundle,
                             Louth,           Stilton,           Bourne,            Thrapstone,
                             Boston,          Sleaford,          Stamford,
          have been stolen, Part of the Property contained in the Letters having been negotiated in London on Monday the 28th.
              Whoever shall apprehend or convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the Person or Persons who stole the
          said Bags, or who has or may have been concerned in negotiating Bills taken thereout, will be entitled to a reward of Two
          HUNDRED  POUNDS;  or,  if any Accomplice  in the  Robbery,  or concerned in  negotiating  the Property,  shall surrender
          himself and make Discovery whereby the Person or Persons who stole the said Bags may be apprehended and brought to
          Justice, such Discoverer will be entitled to the said Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive His Majesty's
          most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

          -- 9 615  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 16, 1796)

                                                 ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REwARD.

              nm General Penny Post-Office, in Gerrard-street, Soho, having been burglariously broke open on Thursday Night,  the 8th
          inst. and an Iron Chest,  containing a considerable Sum of Money and Bank Notes,  taken away.
              Whoever shall apprenhend the Person or Persons concerned in the said Burglary and Robbery, will be entitled to a
          Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, payable upon conviction, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament.
              If an Accomplice will surrender himself and make discovery, whereby one or more of the Persons concerned may be
          apprehended and convicted, he will be intitled to the said Reward of ONE HUNDRED  POUNDS,  and will also receive his
          Majesty's most Gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.
              The Chest has been found in the New River, near Sadler's Wells.
              The under described Bank Notes were taken away:
                                    £50   No.  511  - October  6th,  1796.
                                   £10   No.  2161  - Nov.  24th,  1796,  wrote  on  J.  Prior,  P.P.O.
                                    £5   No.  9728  - November  3d,  1796.
                                    £5   No.  4588  - Nov.  18th,  1796,  ••••••••  J.  Prior,  P.P.O.
                                    £5   No.  3318  - Oct.  11th,  1796,  ••••••••  J.  Prior,  P.P.O.
                                    £5   _No.  8189  - June  23d,  1796,  •••••••••  J.  Prior,  P.P.O.
                                    £5   No.  4180  - Aug.  22d,  1796,  ••••••.••  J.  Prior,  P.P.O.
                                        All  the  above  Bills  were  endorsed  •••  A.  Jones.

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