Page 224 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 224


           - 9 7 O 9  NEWS  (General Post-Office, Tuesday, November 28, 1797)

                            Bank  note       £3  No.  9283   31st  May,  1797.
                            Bank  Post  Bill,   £10  No.  M3367   3d  Deceni:>er,  1796,  payable  to  Lockmer,  Wall  and  Co.
                            Bank  note,     £10  No.  1502   3d  March,  1797.
                            Ditto,          £10  No.  1504   Ditto.
                            Ditto,           £5  No.  3245   2d  Noveni:>er,  1797.
               THE Person or Persons through whose hands either of the two first described Bank Bills have passed since the 26th
           October last;  or the three latter  on or since the  13th Nov.  instant,  are requested  to  give  immediate  notice  thereof to
           Mr. Parker, Solicitor to this Office.
                                                             ANTH. TODD, F. FREELING, Joint Sec.

           -- 9 710  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 11, 1797)
               A BANK-NOTE of £10 No. 1504, dated 3d November, 1797, (received in payment on the 13th November last for a Bill
           taken out of a Letter) was  on the 2d or 3d instant paid at the Bank. The following Word is written upon the back of the
           Bank note, namely,
                                                         "POSTMAN, R. A."
               There is great reason to suppose that the Bill above alluded to, was stolen in this Office, and from the Indorsement
           upon the Bank note received in payment for it, it is very probable that this Bank note has been negotiated by one of the
           Postmen belonging to the Post Office.
               His Majesty'  Postmaster-General earnestly request that whoever may have taken a Bank note of £10  of any of the
           Letter-carriers,  between  the  13th of November  last and  the  3d instant,  will give  immediate notice  to Mr.  Parkin their
           Solicitor, at this Office, where the Bank note may be seen.
                                                             ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Secretary.

           -- 9801  NEWS  (General Post-Office, March 17, 1798)

               NOTICE is hereby given,  That an EXTRA MAIL for JAMAICA will be made up at this Office on Wednesday next, the
           21st instant, to be dispatched from Plymouth by one of his Majesty's Armed Cutters.
                                                             ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING,Joint Secretaries.

           -- 9 8 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, March 30, 1798)

               A  Bag will be made up at this Office, on Wednesday next, the 4th of Apri~ with the Letters for Demerary, Essequibo, and
           Berbice, to be forwarded from Falmouth by the Packet Boat destined for the West Indies, and Letters for those Settlements
           will in future be regularly sent from hence, the lst and 3d Wednesday in every Month, with the West India Mails.
                                                             ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Secretaries.

           -- 9 8 O 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, April 15, 1798)

               Notice is hereby given, that the Money Order Office for transmitting Sums of Money throughout England and Ireland,
           carried on at the General Post-Office, London, under the Firm of Edmund Barnes, Isaac Henry Cabane, Charles Coltson,
           William Ogilvy,  Samuel Ardron and Charles Evans, was,  on the 5th Day of April instant,  dissolved by mutual Consent:
           Those Persons therefore who are indebted to the said Partnership are hereby required forthwith to remit the Balance of
           their Accounts to the said Edmund Barnes, at the General Post Office, London; and further Notice is hereby given, that the

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