Page 226 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 226
-9 8 0 7 NEWS (General Post-Office, September 25, 1798)
SUCH Persons through whose Hands any of the Sixty five undermentioned Bank Notes of £1 each may have passed
since the 3d of August last; and any of the Six last-mentioned Bank Notes, since the 17th Instant, are requested to give
immediate Notice to this Office.
A. 920 to 950, 12 July, 1798 - £1 £10 - N. 485, 23d August, 1798
C. 6801 to 6804, Ditto. £5 each - N. 1335 to 1338, 27th August, 1798
c. 2387 to 2400, 11 July, 1798. - £1 £5 - N. 2213 23d August, 1798.
B. 7901 to 7916, Ditto.
-9 8 0 8 NEWS (General Post-Office, December 6, 1798)
THE Post-Boy carrying the Mail from Petworth to Haslemere, was stopped at a place called North Heath, about 2
miles from Midhurst and 6 from Haslemere, between 7 and 8 o'clock last night, by two Men on Foot, dressed in white
round frocks; one of them took hold of the horse, and threatened to blow the Boy's brains out if he was not quick in
unstrapping the Mail.
The Robbers took away the Bags of Letters sent from Arunde4 Petworth, and Midhurst, of the 5th instant, for
London; and also the Bye Letters from these Places.
Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the persons who
committed this robbery will be entitled to a Reward of Two HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward of FOR1Y
POUNDS for each person, given by Act of Parliament for apprehending Highwaymen; or if any accomplice in the robbery,
or knowing thereof, shall surrender himself and make discovery, whereby both or either of the the persons who committed
the same may be apprehended and brought to justice, such discoverer shall be entitled to the said reward of Two Hundred
Pounds, and will also receive his Majesty's most gracious pardon.
-- 9901 0038 (General Post Office, January 17, 1799)
The WORCESIER and BRISTOL Bags containing the Letters for Bristol and the West of England, having been lost on
the 30th ult • between Worcester and Bristo4 and the under-mentioned Bills have been lost with it; one of which, Value
£28 lfu. drawn by Barings and Co. on F. and W. Goslings, has been since negociated at Messrs. Hornsby and Co's being
remitted to them from Bristo4 for the Purchase of Shares of a Lottery Ticket, by a Person assuming the Name of Samuel
Tayler. All Proprietors of Lottery Offices are hereby cautioned to detain and give Notice to this Office of any Person of
suspicious Appearance, who may attempt to negociate any other of the Bills; or if any Person of known Integrity should
present any of the Bills, it is desired that he may be requested to apply immediately at this Office, and give such
Information as he can towards the Detection of the Offenders.
Note of the Editor: a list of the bills follows indicating their sum, when due, on whom drawn, etc.
-- 9 9 0 2 NEWS (General Post Office, August 31, 1799)
NOTICE is hereby given, That on and after the JOth of September, their Lordships the Postmaster-General will proceed to
carry into execution the purpose of an Act, intitled "An Act for the more secure conveyance of Ship Letters, and for granting
to his Majesty certain rates of Postage thereon;" by which it is enacted, "That it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty's
Postmaster-Genera4 and his Deputies, in his and their discretion, to collect and receive Letters and Packets of Letters,
directed within his Majesty's dominions, and also to any of the kingdoms and countries beyond the seas, and to forward the
same by any ships or vessels that he in his discretion shall think fit, (although not packet boats).