Page 225 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 225


          said Money Order Office will in future be conducted under the joint Names of Edmund Barnes, Daniel William Stow and
         Matthew Slater, at the General Post Office aforesaid.
                                               EDM. BARNES,          I. H. CABANES,       CHARLES COLTSON,
                                               WM. OGILVY,           SAM. ARDRON,         CHARLES EVANS,
                                               DAN. W. STOW,         MA.IT. SIATER

         -- 9 8 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 15, 1798)

              His Majesty's Post-Master General have directed that for the present and until farther Notice,  all Letters which may arrive
         by the Mails from Ireland on Sundays, shall be immediately delivered upon application at the Post-Office, in Lombard-
                                                                         FRANCIS FREELING.

         -- 9 8 0 5  0036  (General Post-Office, July 3, 1798)

                                                TWO HUNDRED POUNDS REwARD.

              THE  Post-Boy  carrying  the  Mail  from  Bromley  to  Seven  Oaks  last  Night,  was  stopt  about  Two  Miles  from
         Farnborough, between the Hours of Ten and Eleven o'Clock, by a single Highwayman, who presented a Horse Pistol and
          demanded the Mail, which the Boy gave him. He offered the Robber Half a Guinea, but he declined taking it.
              The Robber is  described to be a  Young Man, Middle Size, had on a Drab-coloured Great Coat, and rode a  Horse
         with a White Face. The same Man, as supposed, passed through the Turnpike Gate at Pratt's Bottom, towards Riverhead,
          on Horseback, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, returned about Seven in the Evening, and asked his Way to Croydon:
         He had a Pair of small Saddle Bags, and had the Appearance of a London Rider, in the Opinion of the Turnpike-man.
              The Bags taken away are,
                           Seven  Oaks,   Tunbridge,   Lamberhurst,   Battle,   Rye,    Hastings.

              Whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause to be apprehended and convicted,  the Person who committed this
         Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward of FORTY POUNDS given by
         Act of Parliament for apprehending Highwaymen:  Or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the Robbery, or knowing
         thereof, shall surrender himself and make Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended
         and brought to Justice,  sucb ·Discoverer will be entitled to the same Reward of TWO  HUNDRED  POUNDS,  and will also
         receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          FRANCIS FREELING, Secretary.

         -- 9 8 0 6  0037  (General Post-Office, July 21, 1798)

                                                    To all POSIMASIERS.

              SOME  Circumstances  having made it necessary to take into  Consideration the  Claims  of different  Descriptions  of
         Persons in the Army and Navy, to be included in the Benefit of the Act of Parliament authorizing single Letters to pass at
         the reduced Rate of One Penny: I  am to inform you that, in future, Serjeant-Majors in the Army are not, (as stated in my
         circular Letter of the 16th April last) to be excluded from the Privileges of the Act, but are to have the full Benefit of it, the
         same as the Private Men in the Regiments.
                                                                  I am, Your obedient Servant,
                                                                         FRANCIS FREELING, Secretary.

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