Page 222 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 222


            - 9 7 O 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, May 8, 1797)
                                                 Two HUNDRED POUNDS REwARD.

                 THE Bags of Letters, which should have arrived at this Office on Saturday Morning the 26th of November, 1796, from
            the following Towns:
                                   Oakham,                 Peterborough,           Bourne,
                                   Uppingham,              Stilton,                Stamford,
                                   Louth,                  Sleaford,               Warnsf ord,
                                   Boston,                 Grantham,               Oundle,
                                   Spalding,               Coltersworth,           Thrapstone,
            having been stolen, and some Bills which were therein negociated, particularly a Huntingdon Bank Note of £20  drawn by
            Messrs.  Perkins  and  Co.  on Sir  James  Sanderson  and  Co.  and  a  Bank Post  Bill  for  £20  which  have  been  traced  to
            Mr.  Richard  Moss,  a  Hosier  of Shoreditch,  who  says  that  he  took  them  at  different  Times,  of two  distinct  Persons,
            strangers to him, who bought Hosiery Goods.
                 Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the person or persons who stole the
            said Bags, or who may have received any of the Bills taken therein knowing them to be stolen, will be entitled to a Reward
            of Two HUNDRED POUNDS;  or if any accomplice in the robbery shall surrender himself and make discovery, whereby the
            person or persons who stole the said Bags may be apprehended and brought to justice, such discoverer will be entitled to
            the said reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also receive his Majesty's most gracious pardon.
                                                              ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Secretary.

            - 9 7 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 8, 1797)

                                                 ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD.

                JAMES SIBBERT,  one of the Messengers to this  Office, who is charged with having taken Bank Notes out of Letters,
            having absconded on Saturday Evening, the 27th of May last, in company with his Wife; whoever shall apprehend, or cause
            him to be apprehended, within one Month from the date hereof, will receive a reward of FlFIY POUNDS, immediately upon
            his commitment to prison, and the further sum ofFlFIY POUNDS upon his conviction.
                The said James Sibbert resided at No. 38, Elliott's-row, St. George's-Fields; is about 30 years of age, thin made, dark
            complexion, dark curly hair tied behind, is pitted with the small-pox, and is about 5 feet 10 inches in height; was dressed,
            when he absconded, in a brown coat, red striped waistcoat with green and white clouds, and a rolllDd hat. She was dressed in
            a Stormont gown, round made, lond sleeves, black cloak trimmed all round with lace, and a black bonnet.
                They had with them a dark coloured hair trunk, about three quarters of a yard long, quite new, and an old deal box.
                                                              ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Secretary.

            -- 9 7 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, August 29, 1797)

                THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL, for the better Accommodation of Persons residing at the West End of the Town, have
            been pleased to order AN EXPRESS  0FF1CE TO  BE OPENED AT No. 43, IN TIIE HAYMARKET,  from whence Letters may be
            dispatched by Express  at the  same Rates  as  at the  General Post-Office,  in Lombard-street,  after  the 31st Day of this
            Month, to any Place within this Kingdom.
                                                              ANTHONY TODD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Secretary.

            --9 7 0 7  0035  (General-Post-Office, November 24, 1797)

                To prevent the Loss of entire Notes or Drafts payable to Bearer, in Letters sent by Post, the Postmaster General repeat
            their Recommendation to the Public so often inserted in the London Gazette, and circulated by Hand-Bills throughout the

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