Page 217 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          from hence To-night, and except the Letters from such Public Offices, as are by Law at all Times exempted from Payment
           of Postage, which will be stamped FREE with red Ink as usual. - And you are to continue to tax and receive the Postage of
           all other Letters and Packets until the lst of June included; the Day after being the 2d of June they are to pass free to and
          from all Members of both Houses of the new Parliament in the same Manner as at present.
               ALL Letters to Members within your Delivery, although they may have been put into a Post-Office before the 2d of
          June if they come to you on or after that Day charged with Postage,  are nevertheless to be delivered free; but you will
          request of the Member to spare you the Cover, or to sign a short Memorandum, to serve you as a Voucher in passing your
               AS it will not be possible to give you a List of the Members of the Honourable House of Commons that are elected
          before the lst of June nor as they may afterwards become elected, you must attend carefully yourself to the News-papers
          for Information.
               You are also to take due Care upon the Election  of any Members within your  District,  to  acquaint me therewith
          without fail by the very first Post, that due Regard may be paig to their Letters here accordingly.
                                                                I am, Your assured Friend,
                                                                        ANTHONY TODD, Secretary

          - 9 6 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, May 21, 1796)

               HIS  Majesty's  Post Master  General think it proper to  give  this  Public Notice  to  the Members  of both Houses  of
          Parliament, that their Letters and Packets will, on Thursday the 2d of June, begin to pass free as usual, being Forty Days
          before the Summons of the new Parliament.
                                                                           ANTH. TODD, Sec.

          -- 9 6 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, September 1, 1796)

               JOSEPH MARRIOTI, late one of the Letter-Carriers in the Post-Office, Birmingham, standing charged upon oath, with
          feloniously secreting and embezzling Letters entrusted to him to  deliver,  having absconded; whoever shall apprehend the
          said Joseph Marriott, will be entitled to a Reward of FIFTY POUNDS, upon his conviction.
               The said Joseph Marriott enlisted in the Portsmouth Division of Marines quartered in Birmingham on and about the
          22d ult. He is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, fair complexion, red hair and grey eyes.
               Whoever harbours him will be prosecuted.
                                                                           ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

          --9 6 0 9  NEWS  (Money Order Office, General Post Office, November 17, 1796)

               THE Public are hereby informed, that the Postmaster of Chatham is no longer authorized by the Clerks of the Roads
          in the  General Post  Office  to  receive  Money for  Transmission  to  any Part  of Great Britain  and Ireland,  through the
          Channel of the Money Order Office, and that in future that Business will be transacted by Mr. William Francis, the Post
          master of Rochester, who is duly authorized for that Purpose.

          --9 610  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 26, 1796)

               THE Bags which should have arrived at this  Office this  Morning, containing Letters from  the following Towns  are
                                 Oakham,                 Peterborough,           Bourne,
                                 Uppingham,              Stilton,                Stamford,
                                 Louth,                  Sleaford,               lolarnford,
                                 Boston,                 Grantham,               Oundle,
                                 Spalding,               Coltersworth,           Thrapstone.

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