Page 223 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          Kingdom; namely, to cut all such Notes or Drafts in Half in the following Form, to send them at two different Times, and to
          wait for the Return of the Post till the Receipt of one Half is acknowledged before the other is sent.
              Persons who do not approve of this Mode of remitting Notes or Drafts, payable to Bearer,  on Account of the increased
          Postage, are advised to send Bills of Exchange or Bank Post Bills, made payable to the Person to whom they are sent,  or
          specially indorsed to such Person or Order.
              When Money, or Rings,  or Lockets, &c. are sent by Post from London, particular care should be taken to deliver the
          same to the Clerk at the Window, at the General Post-Office; and when any such Letter is to be sent from the Country it
          should be delivered into the Hands of the Postmaster; but it is to be observed that this Office does not engage to insure the
          Party from Loss.
                                                            ANTHONY T9DD, FRANCIS FREELING, Joint Sec!.

                            N· 108·                                      N°  1-08
                     9th Feb.  1782.
                        Promifc  to pay               to John Doe, -     -    -    -   or  Be:irer,  on
                    I  Demand the Sum of             3Ctn  Pounds.
                                                            London the 9th  Day  of February,  i 7S1.
                    £3l:en                                           For the Gcvemor and ComJY.lny

                                                                         of the BJnk of England.
                     f.ntd· Thom2s c;tyles.                                            Rkh:i:-(1  Roe.
                           N.  B.  The note is to be cut in Half where the above is marked with a black Line.

          - 9 7 0 8  0035A  (General Post-Office, November 24, 1797)

                                                     Money-Order Office,

              To prevent  the Loss frequently sustained by the Public,  of Letters containing Money put into the Post-Office,  for
          which the Office is not answerable, the CLERKS OF THE ROADS,  in the General Post-Office, with the Approbation of His
          Majesty's Postmaster General,

                                                        GIVE NOTICE,
              That a Clerk will attend daily at their Office, in the General Post-Office, from Nine in the Morning until Seven in the
          Evening, who will receive from those Persons, who may chuse to avail themselves of this Mode of Conveyance, any Sum of
          Money not exceeding Five Guineas, and will give an Order, payable at Sight, on the Deputy Postmaster of the Town where
          the Remittance  is required to be paid,  if in England;  if in Dublin,  on Mr.  William Armitt,  of the General Post-Office,
          Dublin; and if in Edinburgh, on Mr. Martin Mowbray,  of the General Post-Office, Edinburgh.
              The Deputy Postmasters in the Country, Mr. Armitt, in Dublin, and Mr. Mowbray, at Edinburgh, will, in like Manner,
          receive any Money, and give an Order at Sight on the Clerk of their respective Roads in London.
              And the Deputy Postmaster  of each Post  Town in England,  will receive  any Sum  of Money,  not  exceeding Five
          Guineas, and give an Order on the Postmaster of any other Town within England, to which the Remittance is required to
          be made.
              As a  Recompence  to the several Persons  employed in this Undertaking,  it is  proposed,  that the Remitter  of any
          Money shall pay S;xpence  in the Pound, if the Order be issued from or payable at London; and for this Recompence the
          Clerks of the Roads undertake to guarantee the safe Conveyance of the Remittance.
                                              Edmund Barnes,        Isaac Henry Cabanes,   Charles Coltson,
                                              William Ogilvy,       Samuel Ardron,       Charles Evans.
                                                                   Clerks of the Roads

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