Page 210 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 210


                                            Time  of  departure                                     Time  of  departure
                                             from  the  under-                                       from  the  under-
                Place  Names        A    B   mentioned  places         Place  Names        A   B     mentioned  places
                                             Morning  Aftern.                                        Morning  Aftern:
           Leytonstone      Essex   c    3    9  15   4  15      Shacklewell       Midd.   c   3
           Limehouse*       Midd.   c    3    7  45   4  45      Shepherd's  Bush   Midd.   w   2
                                             11  45              Shooter's  Hill   Kent    c   3    8  0    3  0
           Lough ton        Essex   c    1            2 30       Snaresbrook       Essex   c   3    9  0    4  0
           Marsh  Gate      Surry   c    3                       Somers  Town      Midd.   c   3    9  15   4  15
           Maryland  Point   Essex   c   3                       South  End,  Eltham   Kent   c   2
           Mertin  or  Martin   Surry   c   2   8  30   3  30    South  End,  Lewisham  Kent   c
           Mile-end  Road,   Midd.   c   3    7  45   4  45      Southgate         Midd.   c   2    8  30   3  30
              East  of  the  Green*          11  45              South  Lambeth    Surry   c   3
           Mill  Hill       Midd.   c    2    8  0    3  0       Stamford  Hill    Midd.   c   3
           Mitcham          Surry   c    3    9  0    4  0       Stockwell         Surry   c   3    9  30   4  0
           Morden           Surry   c    1                       Strand  under  Green  Midd.   w   3
           Mort lake        Surry   c    3    8  45   3  45      Stratford         Essex   c   3    9  30   4  30
           Muswel l  Hill   Midd.   c    2                       Streatham         Surry   c   3    9  0    4  0
           Neasden          Midd.   w    1                       Sutton,  Little   Midd.   w   2
           New  Cross   Surry & Kent   c   3   9  40   4  40     Sydenham          Kent    c   2    8  0    3  0
           New  Grove       Midd.   c    3                       Tanner's  End     Midd.   c   2
           New  Rd.  Marybone*   Midd.   w   3   7  45   4  45   Tothil l-fi elds*   Midd.   w   3
                                             11  45              Tooting           Surry   c   3    9  15   4  15
           Newington  Butts   Surry   c   3   10  0   5  0       Tottenham         Midd.   c   3    9  15   4  15
           Newington  Causeway  Surry   c   3   9  30   4  30    Tottenham-ct-rd.   Midd.   w   3
              South  of  the  Turnp.                                N.  of  the  New  rd*
           Newington  Stoke   Midd.   c   3   9  45   4  45      Totteridge        Herts   c   2    7  45   2  45
           Newington  Green   Midd.   c   3   9 30    4  15      Turnham  Green    Midd.   w   3    9  0    4  0
           Nine  Elms       Surry   c    3                       Vauxhall          Surry   c   3    9  30   4  0
           North  End,  Fulham   Midd.   w   3                   Union  Crescent  Rd.  Surry   c   3
           North  End,  Hampstd  Midd.   c   2                      St.  George's-fields
           Norwood          Surry   c                            Upton             Essex   c   3
           Old  Ford        Midd.   c   3                        Walcot  Place     Surry   c   3
           Paddington       Midd.   w    3    9  15   4  15      Walham  Green     Midd.   w   3    8  30   3  30
           Palmer's  Green   Midd.   c   2                       Walthamstow       Essex   c   3    8  15   3  15
           Pancras          Midd.   c   3                        Walworth          Surry   c   3    9  30   4  45
           Parson's  Green   Midd.   w   3    8  15   3  15      Wandsworth        Surry   c   3    9  30   4  30
           Peckham          Surry   c   3     9  15   4  15      Wanstead          Essex   c   3    9  0    4  0
           Pentonvi l le    Midd.   c   3     9  30   4 30       Wembly            Midd.   w
           Petersham        Surry   c   3     8  30   3  30      W.  End,  Hampstead   Midd.   c
           Pimlico  beyond  the  Midd.   w   3                   w.  Ham  and  Abbey   Essex   c   3   9  15   3  45
              Fire  Engine*                                      Whetstone         Midd.   c   2    8  0    3  0
           Plastow          Essex   c   3     9  0   3  30       Whip  Cross       Essex   c   3
           Plumstead        Kent    c                            Willsdon          Midd.   w                3  0
           Ponder's  End    Midd.   c   3                        Wimbledon         S.urry   c   2   8  30   3  30
           Poplar*          Midd.   c   3     7  30   4  30      Winchmore  Hill   Midd.   c   2    8  45   3  45
                                             11  30              Woodford          Essex   c   3    8  30   3  30
           Putney           Surry   c   3     9  0   4  0        Woodford  Bridge   Essex   c   2   9  0    4  0
           Richmond         Surry   c   3     9  0   4  0        Woolwich          Kent   c    3    9  0    4  0
           Roehampton       Surry   c   3     8  45   3  45
                                          A =  Principal  Office   B =No.  of  Deliveries
               Letters dispatched from the country in the morning, are delivered in all parts of London between half past 11 and one
           o'clock the same day; and those dispatched in the afternoon are delivered between half past six and eight the same evening.

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