Page 206 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 206


             Hours by which they must be put in for Places in the Country will be Eight in the Morning,  and Two  and Five in the
                 From most Parts of the Country within the Delivery of the Penny Post there will be Two Posts to London every Day,
             (Sunday excepted). The Hours of Dispatch will be specified in a Label affixed in the Office at each Place.
                 The Two  Chief Penny Post  Offices  are in Abchurch-Lane,  Lombard-Street,  and Gerrard-Street,  Soho;  the  other
             Principal Offices being laid aside.
                                                                              ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

             - 9 4 0 7  NEWS  (General Post Office, June 7, 1794)

                 NOTICE  is hereby given,  that  letters  are  now dispatched  three times  a  day  to  the following places,  viz.  Peckham,
             Deptford,  Greenwich,  Lewisham, Lee,  Eltham, Blackheath,  Woolwich,  Bow,  Stratford, West  Ham, Plastow,  East Ham,
             Barking, Ilford, Leytonstone, Wanstead, Walthamstow, Leyton, and Woodford.
                 And two deliveries of letters are given to the places undennentioned, viz.  Sydenham and Charlton, in Kent; Bromley and
             Old Ford, in Middlesex; and Woodford Bridge, Chigwell, and Chingford, in Essex.
                 Letters going to any of the above Places, must be put in at Penny Post Receiving Houses in Town,  by eight o'clock in the
             Morning.  and two o'clock in the Afternoon; or they may be put in at the Principal Office for Westminster,  (held in  Gerrard-
             street, Soho) by half past eight in the Morning, and half past two in the Afternoon, or into the Chief Office in Abchurch lane,
             Lombard-street. by nine in the Morning,  and three in the Afternoon; and such as are intended for the Places first mentioned,
             having three deliveries a day, must, besides the hours above stated, be put into the Receiving Houses by five in the Evening, into
             the Office in Gerrard-street. by half past five,  or into the Chief Office, in Abchurch-lane, by seven o'clock
                 By an Act passed in  the present Sessions of Parliament,  the Rates of Postage for Letters sent by the Penny Post are as
             For  every  Letter  or  Packet  passing  from  any  part  of  the  Cities  of  London  or  Westminster,  the  Borough  of
                Southwark,  and  their  Suburbs,  to  any  other  part  of  the  said Cities,  or  Borough,  &c •••••••••••••••••••••••••  1d.
             For  every  Letter  or  Packet  passing  to,  or  from  parts  within,  to,  or  from,  parts  beyond  the Cities  of
                London  or  Westminster,  the  Borough  of  Southwark,  and  their  Suburbs,  and  within  the  District  of  the
                Penny  Post,  such  Letters  or  Packets  not  passing  to  or  from  the  General  Post  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  2d.
             For  every  Letter  or  Packet  passing  from  any  part  beyond  the  Cities  of  London  or  Westminster,  the Borough
                of  Southwark,  and  their Suburbs,  and  within  the  District  of  the  Penny  Post,  to  any  other  part  beyond
                the  said Cities  or  Borough,  &c.  and  within  the said District  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  2d.
             In  any  of  the  above  Cases  the  Postage  may  be  paid  either  at  putting  in,  or  on  Delivery,  at  the  option  of
                the  Writers.
             For  every  Letter  or  Packet  put  into  the  Penny  Post,  to  be  forwarded  to  the  General  Post-Office,  and  from
                thence  to  be  conveyed  by  that  Post  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  1d.
             In  the  latter  Case  the  Penny  must  be  paid  at  putting  in,  and  is  not  left  to  the  option  of  the  Writer.
             For  every  Letter  or  Packet,  first  passing  by  the  General  Post,  and  then  passing  by  the  Penny  Post  Cover
                and  above  the  General  Postage)  • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •  1d.
             N.  B.  No  Letters  or  Packets,  exceeding  four  Ounces  in Weight  can  be  sent  by  the  Penny  Post,  unless  such  Letters  or
             Packets  shall  first  have  passed  by,  or  shall  be  intended  to  pass  by,  the  General  Post.
             The  further  extension  of  the  New  Regulations  in  the  Penny  Post  will  be  advertised  as  the  same  are  carried  into  effect.
                                                                              ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

             -- 9 4 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 14, 1794)

                 MAILs for the Islands of St. Lucia, Martinique, and Guadaloupe, will be made up regularly at this Office, the lst and
             3rd Wednesday in every month, and sent by the Packet Boats, in the same manner that Mails are made up and dispatched
             by the Packets for the other Leeward Islands belonging to the Crown of Great Britain in the West Indies.
                                                                              ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

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