Page 208 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 208


                                                         For the Town delivery.
                                              A       B       c        For  the         D
                             overnightly  ....  8  0   9  0   9  30   1st delivery   'h.  past  7&  9
                             Morning  ........  8  0   8  30   9  0   2d   ditto    'h.  past  9  & 11
                               do.   . ....... 10  0   10  30   11  0   3d   ditto   'h.  past  11  &  1
                             Noon  ........... 12  0   12  30   1  0   4th  ditto   'h.  past  1  &  3
                             Afternoon        2  0   2  30   3  0    5th  ditto     'h.  past  3  &  5
                               do.            5  0   5  30   6  0    6th  ditto     'h.  past  6  &  8
            A  If  put  in  at  any  of  the Receiving  Houses  in  Town.
            B  At  either  of  the  two  principal  Offices.
            C  Or  at  the  principal  Office  for  the  same  District  of  the Town  in  which  the Place  is situated.  *
            D  They  are  delivered  in  general  between  the  Times  undermentioned.
                *  The town is divided between the two principal offices thus, all parts to the eastward of Gray's-inn-lane, Holbom-
            bars, Chancery-lane, with its communications, Temple-bar, Narrow-wall, Surry, Lambeth-marsh, and the Asylum, are in the
            district of the Chief Office; and all parts to the westward of these places inclusive,  are in the district of the Westminster

                                                        For the Country Delivery.
                                                    At Places having three Deliveries.
                                                    A       B       c        For  the          0
                      The  preceding  evening  by  ......  5  0   5  30   7  0   1st  delivery   7  & 9  o'clock
                      Morning  .......................  8  0   8  30   9  0   2d   ditto   10  & 1  o'clock
                      Afternoon  ......................  2  0   2  30   3  0   3d   ditto   4  & 7  o'clock
                                                   At Places having but two deliveries.
                      Morning  by  ••••••••••••••••••••  8  0   8  30   9  0   1st delivery   10  & 1  o'clock
                      Afternoon  •••••••••••••••••••••  2  0   2 30   3  0   2d   ditto    4  & 7  o'clock
                                                   At Places having but one delivery.
                      Morning  by  ••••••••••••••••••••  8  0   8  30   9  0              10  & 1  o'clock
           A  If  put  in  at  any  of  the  Receiving  Houses  in Town.
           B  At  either  of  the  two  principal  Offices.
           c  Or  at  the  principal  Office  to  which  the  Place  is attached  *
           D  They  are  delivered  in  general  between  the  Times  undermentioned.
                *  The Principal Office to which the several places in the country are attached is pointed out by the letters C and W in
            the following list, which signify the Chief and Westminster Offices.
                                              List of Places in the delivery of the Penny Post.
                Shewing also to which of the Two Principal Offices each Place is immediately attached, the number of deliveries a day
           given to each, and the time fixed for the departure of the Post from such where Receiving Houses are established.
                N.  B.  Those having no time of Departure specified, are such as have no Receiving Houses.
                                            Time  of  departure                                     Time  of  departure
                                             from  the  under-                                       from  the  under-
                Place  Names        A    B   mentioned  places         Place  Names        A    B    mentioned  places
                                             Morning  Aftern.                                        Morning  Aftern.
           Acton  and  East  do.  Midd.   w   3   8  30   3  30   Barnes           Surry   c   3    8  30   3  30
           Bagnigge  Wells*   Midd.   c   3                      Battersea         Surry   c   3    9  0    4  0
           Bal ham           Surry   c   3                       Battle Bridge     Midd.   c   3
           Ball's  Pond     Midd.   c    3                       Bayswater         Midd.   w   3
           Barking          Essex   c    3    8  0    3  0       Bethnal  Green    Midd.   c   3    7  45   4  45
                                          A = Principal  Office   B =No.  of  Deliveries

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