Page 25 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 25


             It is farther signified, That in case any of the Post-Masters throughout England shall demand or take more for the Port
        of any Letter than what the Act allows, upon Complaint made to the General Office at London, satisfaction shall be given
        to the Complainant, and the party so offending shall be removed from his Employment.

        * 6 7 0 4  NEWS  [September 2-5, 1667]

             Whereas divers Letters miscarry by not giving full Directions, whence blame is causelessly put upon the Letter-Office;   -
        All persons are desired hereafter to be more punctuall in mentioning the Shire, there being severall Towns in England of
        the like Name, and also the Street and place adjacent of Note, if there be not a Signe.

        * 6 7 0 5  NEWS  [October 21-24, 1667]
             All persons, desirous to send Letters from London to Liverpool,  Onnskirk, Prescot,  Wiggon  and Leagh, in the County
        of Lancaster, or from thence to London, may take notice their Letters will be conveyed thrice every week by Horse, which
        formerly went by Foot, and but twice a week.                                                           ·

        * 6 8 0 1  NEWS  [February 10-13, 1668]  {Julian Calendar. February 10-13, 1667}

             These are  to  give  notice,  that the Post-house is removed from  the Swan  near Charing-Cross,  to  the Red-Lyon  over   -
        against the Meuse-gate.

        * 6 8 0 2  NEWS  [June 4-8, 1668]

             These are  to give  notice  to  all  Correspondents  to Holland,  that the  passage  is  re-establisht  between Harwich  and
        Helvoet-sluyce, with able and sufficient Pacquet-boats of 60 Tuns, for the convenient transportation of Passengers; together,
        with the Mayles which go from London every Tuesday and Friday  night; and that the first  Mayle is to go upon Friday the
        13th of this instant June.

        * 6 8 0 3  NEWS  [October 12-15, 1668]
             Notice is hereby given, That for the Advance of Commerce and Correspondence, a new Horse-Post is setled, to carry
        Letters twice every week between Exeter and Lawnston. And also,  whereas  Extraordinary Pacquet-Boats are maintained
        between Harwich  and Helvetsluys, That all manner of Conveniences are likewise provided, not onely for the Entertainment
        of all such persons who shall use the said Pacquet-Boats, but also to transport them between London and the Water-side,
        either by Coach or Horse, at reasonable Rates.
        * 6 8 0 4  NEWS  [December 14-17, 1668]

             Notice is hereby given, That the Post-Master-General hath contracted for the ease and benefit of the People, with all
        the respective Deputy Post-Masters, to carry from  time to time all Letters directed to every particular person within Ten
        miles from  their Stage-Towns, paying Two pence a time besides the London Post, and to bring back their Answers to the
        said Stage, Gratis.

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