Page 28 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 28


                                      NOTICES  FOR  THE  YEARS  1670-1679

            * 7 0 0 1  NEWS  (April 11-14, 1670]

                Notice is hereby given, that the Post-master General bath for publick convenience caused a half Post to be established,
            whereby any person may be horsed at the Post-house at the White Horse in Bafbacan, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
            after the 16th day of this instant April, 1670, to  ride post from London to Chester without charge of guide at Three pence
            the mile, and be likewise horsed in the same manner at the Post-house in Chester to ride post to London . .

            * 7101  NEWS  [September 28-0ctober 2, 1671]

                These are to give  notice, that  a Post will go  every Monday, Wednesday and  Friday at six  a clock at  night from  the
            Letter Office in London to Newmarket, during His Majesties stay there.

            * 7 2 0 1  NEWS  [April 29-May 2, 1672]

                These are to give notice, that Order is taken for  the future, that the Post shall run between London and Harwich, and
            between London and Portsmouth every day in the Week but Sundays, to be dispatched at the usual bowers at night.

            * 7 2 0 2  NEWS  [June 13-17, 1672]

                These are to give Notice, That whoever shall have occasion to write to any person on board His Majesties Fleet, may
            send their Letters every day in the week but Sunday, to the General Letter-Office in London, by nine of the clock at night,
            and the said Letters shall receive all due dispatch.

            * 7 2 0 3  NEWS  [September 30-0ctober 3, 1672]

                We are Commanded to give notice, That a Post is ordered to go every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, at ten
            a  clock  at  night  to  Newmarket,  during  His  Majesties  stay  there,  and  to  return  from  thence  on  the  extraordinary days
           between Eleven and Twelve.

           * 7 2 0 4  NEWS  [October 24-28, 1672]

                                Advertisement from the General Letter-Office in Bishopsgate street in London.

                These are  to  give  Notice,  that  one Mrs. Turner  dwelling  at  the corner House opposite  to  the end of Suffolk-street
            (betwixt  Charing  Cross  and  the Hay-market)  taking  upon  her  to  receive  Letters,  to be carried  (by  her)  to  the  General
           Letter-Office in Bishopsgatestreet, is not authorised so to do by the said Office; and further, that it is lately discovered by the
           said Office, that several  Letters delivered  and  paid for  at  the said Mrs.  Turners  House,  were never  brought  to  the  said
           Office, but treacherously made away (and the Money kept by the said Mrs. Turner, or her Agents,) for which offence she is
           now prosecuted at Law;  Wherefore this Advertisement is  given,  that  all people may take  notice of this great abuse,  and
           have  caution  not  to  deliver  any  Letters  to  her  hereafter;  And  further,  if any  body shall  find  that  their  Letters  (being
           delivered to any other Letter-Receivers) shall miscarry; upon notice given  (to the general Letter-Office) where,  and when
           the said  Letters were delivered,  all  diligence  and possible endeavors  shall be used  to  discover  and  punish the offenders
           according to Law.

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