Page 30 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 30


           * 7601  NEWS  [March 27-30, 1676]
               These are to give  notice, that during His Majesties stay at Newmarket,  a Post will go  thither every night about 10 a
           clock, from the General Letter-Office in London.

           * 7 6 0 2  NEWS  [June 29-July 3, 1676]

               These are to give Notice, That there goes a Post every day (Sundayes onely excepted) from London to Tunbridge; so
           that Letters sent to  the General Letter-Office, in Bishopsgate-street,  over night, will be delivered there the next morning;
           and the like Dispatch will be made with their Returns hither; and this Course will be continued, during this Season at the

           * 7 6 0 3  NEWS  [September 21-25, 1676]

               Lost out of the Grounds of Robert Barber Post-Master of Stone  in Staffordshire,  the  16  instant, A bright bay Mare,
           about 13 hands, seven years old, a little star, and two white Saddle-spots upon the near side, a little short Tail, and hath a
           great cold upon her. Whoever gives notice of her to the said Robert BariJer, or to any Postmaster upon the Road, shall be
           very well Rewarded.

           * 7 6 0 4  NEWS  [October 2-5, 1676]

               These are to give Notice, That during His Majesties being at Newmarket,  a Post will go  every night, from the General
           Post-Office in London, thither.

           * 7 7 0 1  NEWS  [June 11-14, 1677]

               These are to give Notice, That there will go a Post from the General Letter-Office in London to the Bath, during Her
           Majesties stay there.

           * 7 7 0 2  NEWS  [June 14-18, 1677]

               These are to give  Notice, That a Post will go from the General Letter-Office every Night, during the Queen's being at
           Bathe; as also to Tunbridge every night, during the Summer Season.

           * 7 7 0 3  NEWS  [August 27-30, 1677]

               T7zomas Moris  a young man about 18 years of age,  thin fac'd,  black curl'd hair, with a grey Coat, and a leather pair of
           Breeches, and a Post-horn in his Girdle, who is Servant to Mr. Morgan Lodge Deputy Postmaster at Deale in Kent, about 10
           days  since  rid  away with  a  Chestnut  coloured  Gelding  of about  14  hands  high,  of his  said Masters,  with  a  star in  his
           forehead,  with  gold  and  silver  in  his  pockets  to  the  value  of five  pound.  Whoever  gives  notice  of the  said  person  to
           Mr.  Lodge aforesaid, or to Mr. White Goldsmith at the Plow in Lumbard-street, shall be well rewarded.

           * 7 7 0 4  NEWS  [September 24-27, 1677]

               These are to give  Notice, That a Post will go  every Night to Newmarket,  from  the General Letter Office in London,
           during His Majesties stay there.

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