Page 34 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 34


                                       NOTICES  FOR  THE  YEARS  1680-1689

            * 8 0 0 1  NEWS  [March 8-11, 1680]  {Julian Calendar. March 8-11, 1679}

                 We are desired to give Notice, That a Post will go every day to Newmarket, during the Courts being there.

            * 8 0 0 2  NEWS  [July 1-5, 1680]

                 These are to give Notice, that there will go a Post every day (except Sunday) from London to Tunbridge,  and return
            accordingly, during the season for drinking the Waters there.

            * 81O1  NEWS  [March 21-24, 1681]  {Julian Calendar. March 21-24, 1680}

                 These are to give Notice, that there goes and comes a Post every day from Oxford.

            * 8 2 0 1  NEWS  [October 2-5, 1682]

                 These are to give Notice, That since the 29th  day of September last, there is and will be a Post continued, as  usual,
            from  London  to  St.  Albans,  and  so  to  Luton,  Barton, Amphill,  Bedford,  and  from  Bedford  to  Carleton,  Wellingbrow,
            Kettering, Thrapston, and Oundle; to which said Towns will be particular Bags for their conveniency, as also of the Towns
            adjacent, and so back again to London three times a Week: and all persons concerned are desired to insert at the bottom of
            their Letters the Post-Town nearest to the place their Letters are directed, for their speedy Conveyance.

            * 8 2 0 2  NEWS  [November 2-6, 1682]

                 These are to give notice, That there goes a Post every day (to and fro) betwixt London and Bristol, at which places all
            Letters will be constantly delivered  the same days they arrive,  as  also  at all  the Stages upon the Road,  (viz.)  Hounslow,
            Windsor, Maidenhead, Reading, Newberry, Marlborough, Caine, Chippenham, Bath,  and all other places near any of the
            said Stages. And for the convenience of such in London, who live remote from the general Post-Office in Lumbard-street,
            the  Letter-Receivers,  appointed by  His  Majesties  Post-Master-General, in  the several  places in  and about  London and
            Westminster, are as follow, (viz.)
                 Mr.  Lucy,  next  the  Sun-Tavern  in  Kingstreet,  Westminster;  Mr.  Nott,  at  the  Queens-Arms  in  the  Pall  Mall;
            Mr. Partridge, next door to the Rummer, by Charing-Cross; Mr. Ledsham against Northumberland house; Mr. Dormer, at
            the  Golden-Cock  in  Panton  street;  Mr.  Bentley  in  Russel-street;  Mr.  Kunholt,  at  the  Kings  head  by  Charing-Cross;
            Mrs. Roberts, in Hungerford-buildings; Mr.  Lloyd,  at Salisbury-Exchange Gate; Mrs.  Grone,  at the Inner-Temple Gate;
            Mr. Harrison, at Lincolns-Inn Gate; Mr. Thatcher,  at  Grays-Inn Gate;  Mr. Place,  at Furnifals Inn Gate; Mr.  Games, in
            Charter-house Yard;  and Mr.  Pow~ at  the three Tobacco-Rolls,  at  the Corner  of King-street in Bloomsbury:  Who  are
            appointed to bring all Letters which they shall so receive to the said General Office, precisely at ten a Clock every Night.

            * 8 2 0 3  NEWS  [November 23-27, 1682]

                 Whereas there bath been a Verdict lately obtain'd at the Kings Bench-Bar, against Mr. Dockwray, the Undertaker of
            the Penny-Post Office, whereby it is  adjudged, That such matters are under the Government of the Post-Master-Gener~
            Established by Act of Parliament: These are to give notice, (for the accommodation of all persons) That a Penny-Post shall
            be forthwith erected within the Bills of Mortality, to be managed by Officers appointed for that purpose: And all  persons
            lately employed in Managing, Receiving, and Carrying the said Penny-Post Letters, are desired to repair to Mr. Frowde, at
            the General Post-Office in Lumbard-street, there to receive farther Directions in this affair.

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