Page 37 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 37


        * 8 4 O 3  NEWS  [February 28-March 3, 1684]  {Julian Calendar: February 28-March 3, 1683}

            These are to give notice, that a Post will go to, and return from Newmarket, every day while the Court i6 there.

        * 8 4 0 4  NEWS  [March 27-31, 1684]

            These are to give Notice, That the Offices in the several Precincts of the Penny-Post, will be open in the ensuing Holy-
        days, and that the Messengers are directed to keep their constant Course of Collecting and delivering Letters in the Cities
        of London, and Westminster, and the Country Towns adjacent, from Seven in the Morning until Nine at Night, as  on other
        days: And whereas many of the Receivers are Shopkeepers, whose Shops are usually shup up; All Persons are desired to   -
        leave their Letters at such of the Coffee-Houses as are Appointed by the Office, that they may be Collected and delivered
        in due time.

        * 8 4 0 5  NEWS  [May 15-19, 1684]

             These are to give  Notice, That the Officers of the Penny-Post, will give their attendance at their several Offices in the   -
        ensuing Holy-days as at other times; Therefore all Persons who send Letters on those  days,  are desired to leave them  at
        such Coffee-Houses, and other Receivers whose Shops will be then open, that they may be Collected and delivered in due
        time; And for the more speedy Conveyance of General Post-Letters to all Towns near London where the Penny-Post does
        constantly go,  This is  farther  to give  Notice, That the Messengers of the Penny-Post are appointed by  the General Post
        Office to deliver all such Letters as come from any part of the Kings Dominions for the said Towns, the same day that they
        come to London, to the end that all Persons may have  time to answer the said Letters by the next Post following,  which
        Answers will come safe to the General Post Office in London, if delivered into the Receivers of the Penny-Post in the said
        Country Towns.

        * 8 4 0 6  NEWS  [May 22-26, 1684]

             For the  more speedy conveyance  of General  Post Letters to  all Towns  near London,  whither the Penny-Post  does
        constantly go, The Messengers of the Penny-Post are appointed by the General Post Office to deliver all  such Letters as
        come from any part of the Kings Dominions for the said Towns the same day that they come to London, to the end that all
        Persons may have time to answer the said Letters by the next Post following,  which Answers will come safe to the General
        Post Office in London, if delivered into the Receivers of the Penny-Post in the said Country Towns.

        * 8 4 0 7  NEWS  [June 16-19, 1684]
             These are to give Notice, That the Post will go every day (to and fro) betwixt London and Tunbridge, and also betwixt
        London and Epsam, during the Season for Drinking those Waters.

        * 8 4 0 8  NEWS  [December 18-22, 1684]

            Whereas in several Books lately published,  the Authors have  presumed  to set forth the Methods of the Penny-Post
        without Consulting the proper Officers, by which means they are mistaken in several particulars, whereof this is  fit  to be
        Corrected, (viz.)  that three days at Christmas, two  days at Easter, and Whitsuntide, and on the 30th of January the Penny-
        Post  does  not  go,  Although  since  it  was  Established  by  Authority  no  Holy-days  have  ever  been  kept,  but  the  usual
        Expedition  has  been  performed  for  conveying  Letters,  &c.  both  in  the  Country  Towns,  and  City,  and  frequent
        Advertisements thereof have been given in the Gazette, with advice that such Persons who write on those days should leave
        their Letters, &c. at the Coffee Houses, and such Shops that are then open, or at the General Offices, which  are Six,  and
        kept for  the several Precincts  at  the  places following  (viz.)  The principal Office in  Crosby-House in  Bishopsgate Street,
        That for  St.  Pauls  at the  Royal Bagnio  Coffee  House  in  Newgate  Street,  That  for  the  Temple in  Chichesters Rents  in

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