Page 33 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 33


                                           GENERAL  POST-OFF I CF,

                                                    M  A  Y  the  22d,   tj84.

                            N 0  .~r ,I  C  E  w:is _ gi\·en by :in Adn:rtifcn:ent fror.'1  this, O:licc                -

                                  or  t!:t:  1 Sth ot  l'-o\·cmbcr  l.Ul,  that the  Pac.-.ct  I·ol1::~c
                            of  mH.:  Shi!  inf;  for :i fir.glc Lc.tter, :i11d  fo  in Proportion, betw~i:n

                            L 0  .ND 0 N  :.nJ NEW-Y 0 R K,  might or net  ht"  p:ii<l  b.:fo~c­                        -
                            h:i!"ld;  bur  Difiicd'.:c;  h:iving  :irifon  in  the  Culketion  of  du:
                            Pat:l~r.:t  Por1°g~·  i:~  :-;OR TH-AMERICA.,  it  n::iw  bccor.:e:;
                            n~·cdll:y  i:o  inform  the Public,  th:it  both the  Inbnd :ind  P;:ckc:c
                            Pol1:i:;c  on :.:.11  Letters fro~ :my P:ir: of GREAT-BRIT:\ I:--;  or
                            IREL\~D lor  ~ORTll-;\:-iIERICA, whkh ::re  fon\·::rJc:<l

                            fro!':l  this  Office  on  the  firfi:  \Vcdncfday  of en:ry :..fonrh,  m1::l               -
                            ::ibfolutcly be pa!d quite to ~EW-YORK, :md :ilfoto HALIFAX,
                            ".:!thout  whi~h  they  muit  be  orcncJ,  aud  returned  to  tb:

                                          nv CoTT",.,...1n:i  -f .J,. .  T'.  11 •--.n ... .....  ·1·  ·r·  1
                                                          --- ..  - .... _._. .. ~•-u'-'. ,1.;  a1,
                                          •  ,,   •  , ~ ..  •   t.J
                                                      ANTHONY  TODD,  Sec:r.

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