Page 38 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 38


           Chancery Lane, That for Westminster in Chequer Court near Charing Cross, That for Southwark in the new Buildings in
           Fowlane near the Borough, That for Ratcliffe and the Hermitage upon Little Tower Hill, where the Officers attend all days
           alike from Seven a Clock in the Morning, until Ten at Night, Sundays only excepted.

           * 8 S 0 1  NEWS  [January 1-5, 1685]  {Julian Calendar: January 1-5, 1684}

               This is to give Notice, That one of the Six Offices of the Penny-Post, since they were lately mentioned in the Gazette
           (viz.)  that  for  the  Precinct  of Westminster  is  removed  from  Chequer  Court  at  Charing  Cross  into  Dukes  Court  near
           St.  Martins Church.

           * 8 S 0 2  NEWS  (Westminster-Hall, February 13, 1685)  {Julian Calendar: February 13, 1684}

               Whereas  divers  Carriers,  Higlers,  Drivers  of Pack-Horses  and  Stage  Coaches  have  collected  and  conveyed  great
           quantities  of Letters  contrary  to  the  Statute  in  that  Case made  and  provided,  This  Day Gilbert  Staunton  Carrier  and
           Coachman of Kittering in Northamptonshire, was Tryed before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Jeffreys for the
           said Offences, and was thereupon found Guilty, and Damages assessed to 380 Pounds.

           * 8 S 0 3  NEWS  [March 19-23, 1685]  {Julian Calendar: March 19-23, 1684}

               These are to give Notice, That the Post will go from London to Hatfield,  Stevenedge,  Hitching,  Baldock,  Bigglesworth,
           St.  Neots,  and Kimbolton, Three times a Week, upon the usual Post Days, and return accordingly.

           * 8 S 0 4  NEWS  [May 4-7, 1685]

               Strayed  or  Stolen  out  of the  Park  of Sir  Thomas  Wilbraham  of Weston  in  Shropshire,  in  Easter  Week  last,  two
           Geldings; one a Brown-Bay, with black Main and Tail, and some White Hairs about one of his Fetlocks, about 9 years old,
           between 13  and 14 hands  High, Paces  and Trots. The other a strong Light-Gray Nagg,  scarce 14 hands high,  very plain
           shaped, about 10 years old, half his Main cut, Paces well and Trots. Whoever gives notice of them, or either of them at Sir
           Thomas Wilbraham's abovesaid, or to Mr. Richard Egerton at the General Post Office in London, shall be well rewarded.

           * 8 S 0 S  NEWS  [June 18-22, 1685)

               These are to give Notice, that the Post goes every day to and fro,  betwixt London and Tunbridge,  and will continue to
           do so, during the season for drinking those Waters.

           * 8 5 0 6  NEWS  [June 25-29, 1685]

               These are to give  Notice,  that the Post goes  to  and fro,  betwixt London  and Chichester,  and  all places adjacent,  as
           heretofore, and will so continue to do.

           * 8 S 0 7  NEWS  [September 24-28, 1685]
               On the 29th Instant a Post will be sent from  the General Letter Office in London, to Edgworth, to Barhamsted, by way
           of Hemsted, toAilsbury by way of Tring, and to Buckingham, on the usual Post Nights three times a Week, and return in like
           manner the usual Post Days.  ·

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