Page 41 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 41


        written in any Part of Ireland which are to come for England; These are to give Notice, That all Postmasters whatsoever,
        both of England,  and Ireland,  are  ordered not  to  demand  the  abovementioned  Postage  any  more;  And  also  all  Letter
        Receivers in  and about London,  and all  Officers at the  General Post-Office in London, have  the same Directions given

         * 8 7 0 2  NEWS  [April 4-7, 1687]

             These are to give Notice, That the Post will go from the General Letter-Office in London, to Ashby della Zouch in the
         County of Leicester, three times in every week, on the General Post-days, and in like manner return from thence.

         * 8 7 0 3  NEWS  [June 27-30, 1687]

             Whereas the Post from  Tunbridge  has  never yet come from  thence on Mondays  during the Season of Drinking the
        Waters there: It is Ordered, that for the future, it shall come from thence for London on Mondays, as well as on every other
         day of the week.

         * 8 7 0 4  NEWS  [June 30-July 4, 1687]
             All Masters of Ships, and others that carry Letters to the Island of Jamaica, are to take Notice, That His Majesty hath
         established a Post-Office in the said Island, whereof Mr. James  Wale  is  Post-Master, unto whom they are to deliver their
         Letters when they arrive in the said Island.

         * 8 7 0 5  NEWS  (Windsor, July 10, 1687)

             Whereas there was a Robbery committed on the 25th of June last past, on the Holland Mail between Colchester and
        Harwich,  by one Person on Horse-back, who  took out of the said Mail Four Boxes,  Containing Rough Diamonds to the
        value of Six thousand seven hundred  and  fifty  Pounds; upon humble Applications  of the Merchants,  Owners of the  said
         Diamonds, to His Majesty to Promise His Gracious Pardon to the Person or Persons Concerned in the Robbery of the said   -·
         Diamonds,  in  case  the  same  be  Restored within  Thirty  days:  His  Majesty has  been Graciously Pleased  to  Grant  their
         Request, and does accordingly hereby Declare,  That in  case the  aforesaid Diamonds be restored to the  Owners  within  the
        space of Thirty days,  from  the Date hereof,  He will Grant unto the said Person or Persons so restoring the said Diamonds, His
         Gracious Pardon  for the  said Robbery; As likewise for robbing the  Coaches  at the same time;  besides  the Reward of Five
        hundred Guinea's already promised and deposited by the Owners.
             The Person that committed the said Robbery, had brown Hair somewhat curled, Pock-holes in his Face, of a brown
         Complection,  black  and  blue  under  one  Eye,  of a  middle  Stature, broad Shoulder'd,  and  a  lightish  colour Cloth  close
        Bodied Coat on; and was mounted upon a darkish bay Horse about 14 hands high.

         * 8 7 0 6  NEWS  [August 11-15, 1687]

             These are to give Notice that the Post will go every day in the week. during His Majesties Progress, from the General
        Post-Office in  Lombard-street,  to  the Town  where His  Majesty shall  be during  His  whole  Progress,  and Absence  from
        London. And that the Post will in like manner return from the said places: And that the Post will go'to, and return from
        Bathe every day in the week during Her Majesties abode there.

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