Page 45 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 45

GE Ni.£"R A -L..;:p_Q S·T- 0  FF ICE,
                       •           .             SEPT E  ~i B ER  2..:d,  1792.

                           O  prevent  the Lofs of entire Note$ ot Dn.fu p:iy.!bk to nC""-!Cf' in L:t:.:rs pui in:.o 21tf Poll
                            Office or Rc<'t'iving  He.are.  the  .l:'onnuncr  Gaier.ii  n-;-c:it  the  Rt't"l::lmern!..-ticn fu
                       infertcd iii the  London G~ and  circulucd by I br.<l-i:i_l~ t.'1iol1~l~--i: the: Kirg.!c:a:;  m.rr.cly
                       To cut ill fuch Nctc:s or.Drafts in lulf in the fol:Cv.-::ic  Fc.flT',  tc fl"l~J them at two dili'erent T.t.ea,
                       :ar.<l to wait  for.  the  Rcrum c.>f  the  Pofi:  ti!l  the  Receii.'lt CJf enc:  Ha:.£  is  :icknowled~ bd"ol'I:'  the
                       other is fcnt.                ·
                        ·A~ when zny C;iJh,  in  Gold or Silver,  or ~hen~ Ringo, · or Leckrul t:c •. uc' fCZ?t  pe Po!t
                       from London,  p:u6..!::-..ihr  c~~e !h!>uld  be  taken  Q  <k1.:vcr the .fu1l!C  to  11 ...  Ck:!; ::t the \·.
                       or to the  Clerk  of the  Mc:;;~ B< .. -ck,  at the  Genera Pofr Office;  :mJ when ::.r:y fuch  L:ttcr is to
                       be fent from a Country Poll Office ic Jbould  be deliv_cred into  th:: ffinds of the:  P.ofunaLlcr~
                                                     By Comm:ir.d  of th~ Pofun:Ul~r,
                                                                   A  N T  H  0  ~ Y  T  0  D  D,  Seer.

                                   No       ro8                     No       108

                       ~'  1    Promifc: ·  to   p:iy   to  Jo~• Dee,     - - - or Be;irer,  on

                       co                            ~en: Pounds.
                       "  ...   Demand the: Sum of

                                                \  London,  the 9th D:iy of  February,  tj82.
                          £~rn-                  \  \  \     For tl~c  Governor  :md Comp:iny .

                                                   \             of the Rmk of Enghnd.
                          Ent~. Thomas Styles.     \                            Rich:trd  Ree.

                             N.B.  The Nute: is to be cut CX2dly  where:  it·is m:irked wi:h a bbck" 1  firft writing
                          the  Date  and  'Yen· at one:  End  o( doe  Note, an1hhe Numbc:ut die  odic:r End, by which
                          Means each  Part will contain a fufficic:nt S~c:uioa o( me Whole.
                                 ·ihis-s~ ,;ill be put up ac every Polt--O-f6ce--in-chc--Kio-. -~-io-il-,-. ---

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