Page 47 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 47


         * 9 0 0 6  NEWS  [June 19-23, 1690]

              'Tis  likewise  hereby Notify'd,  That during  the Season  of Drinking  the Waters,  a Post  shall go  constantly from  the
         General Letter-Office in London, to  Tunbridge-Wells,  every Night in the Week,  except Sundays,  and shall in like manner
         return from the Wells every Day in the Week.

         * 9 0 0 7  NEWS  [June 26-30, 1690]

             Whereas all Letters directed formerly to Montgomery have been sent by way of Shrewsbury  to Welchpool,  and from
         thence to Montgomery:  This is to Notify, that instead thereof,  all Letters directed for  Welchpoo~ Bishops-Castle,  Cherbury,
         Newtown,  Llanydlos, Manhimleth, Aberistwith,  Tregaron,  shall for the future be put in a particular Bag, to be Sealed at the
         General  Letter-Office  in  London,  and  sent  by  way  of  Shrewsbury,  to  Montgomery,  where  one  Mr.  Richard  Davis  is
         Appointed to disperse all such Letters, and to Collect and return Answers accordingly.

         * 9 0 0 8  NEWS  [July 14-17, 1690]

              Whereas  the  Letters  for  Newport  and  Whitchurch  in  Shropshire,  and  parts  adjacent,  have  heretofore  been
         promiscuously sent in the Brumingham Bag, This is to Notifie, That all letters for the said places shall for the future be sent
         in two  particular Bags, viz. One to Mr. Richard Haines  at Newport,  and the other to the Widow Rycroft in Whitchurch, both
         which Persons are appointed respectively to Receive and Disperse all such Letters, and duly to Collect and Return Answers
         accordingly. To begin on the Second day of  August next.

         * 9 0 0 9  NEWS  [July 28-31, 1690]

              Whereas the Letters for  Oakham  and  Upingham  in Rutland.shire,  have formerly been sent from  the General Letter-
         Office, London,  by  way  of Harborough  and Stamford,  and  the  Letters for  Melton  Mowbery,  and  parts  adjacent,  having
         likewise been hitherto sent by way of Post-Witham. This is to Notify,  That all such Letters for the places above-mentioned,
         and parts adjacent, will, on the 2d  of August next,  and from  thence forward,  be sent Three times every week on the usual
         Post days, in distinct Bags for each Town, by way of Kettering in Northamptonshire, and a Person is appointed at each Stage
         to Receive and Disperse all such Letters, and duly to Collect and Return Answers accordingly.

         * 9 0 1 0  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London October 8, 1690)

             Whereas all Letters going and coming by Post to and from the General Letter-Office in London to the Town of Clare,
         and Parts adjacent, in Suffolk, have hitherto been promiscuously sent in the Sudbury Bag, to be from thence dispersed and
         conveyed according to their several Directions: This is therefore to Notify, That all such Letters for the Town of Clare, and
         Places adjacent,  as aforesaid, will for  the future be sent in a particular Bag to Clare,  where one Mr.  Thomas Whitcraft  is
         appointed to receive and disperse the same three times every Week, and duly to collect Answers, and to return them to the
         General Letter-Office in London accordingly.

         * 9 0 11  NEWS  [November 3-6, 1690]

             The late ill Weather and contrary Winds having hindred the coming over of the Pacquet Boats, there are now three
         Mails wanting from Holland, and 8 or 9 from Flanders.

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