Page 51 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 51


         * 9 7 0 4  NEWS  [December 9-13, 1697]

             These are to give Notice, That three Parcels of Exchequer Notes received for the Duties of Excise, and containing the
         Numbers and Sums hereunder mentioned, amounting in the whole to One Thousand and Thirty Pounds, being sent by the
         Post by Mr. Francis Johnson,  Collector of Excise,  from Portsmouth,  and directed to the  Commissioners of Excise  at the
         Excise-Office in London, on the 28th of November last were lost, together with the Portsmouth Bag between Hammersmith
         and London; All Persons  therefore  to whom  any of the said Exchequer Notes shall be  offered in  Payment,  are hereby
         desired to seize such Exchequer Notes, and to Examine the Person so tendring the same, how he came by such Note or
         Notes, and from whom he received the same, and forthwith to give Notice hereof to the Cashier of His Majesties Excise, or
         the  Cashier  of the  Post-Office;  and  whosoever  shall  bring  the  said  Bag  to  either  of the  said  Cashiers,  with  the  said
         Exchequer Notes, he shall forthwith be paid the Sum of Twenty Pounds.
              (Note of the Editor: a list of 183 Exchequer Notes follows with the number and amount on each)

         * 9 7 0 S  NEWS  [December 16-20, 1697]

             Whereas an Advertisement was inserted in the Gazette for the 13th of December Instant, giving Notice that 3 Parcels
         of Exchequer Notes received for the Duties of Excise amounting to £1030 were lost on the 28th of November last, together
         with  the  Portsmouth-Bag  between Hamersmith  and  London;  These  are  to  give  Notice,  that  the  said  Portsmouth-Bag,
         together with the said Exchequer Notes are since found and brought to the General Post-Office in London, And the said
         Notes are since paid into the General Excise.

         * 9 7 0 6  NEWS  [December 23-27, 1697]

             These are to give notice, that the 28th of December Instant, and so on usual Post-days, a Post will go by way of Epping,
         Bishop-Stortford,  and  Saffron-Walden,  to  Cambridge,  and  return  the  same way;  and  for  the  Convenience  of Trade  and
         Correspondence, Bags will be left at the said Towns, as also at the Towns of Woodford,  Chingwell, Abridge,  and Farlow, with
         the Letters of the said Places and Parts adjacent.

         * 9 8 0 1  NEWS  [March 3-7, 1698]  {Julian Calendar. March 3-7, 1697}

             These are to give Notice, That 77 Exchequer Bills received for the Duties on Malt, Dated, Numbred, and containing
         the  Principal  Sums  hereunder  mentioned,  sent  by  the  Post  from  Diss  in  the  County  of Norfolk,  and  directed  to  the
         Commissioners of Excise, were taken from  the Postman between Rumford and London  on  Wednesday  the 2d  of March
         Instant: All Persons therefore to whom  any of the said Exchequer Bills  shall come,  or be offered in Payment, are hereby
         desired to secure such Exchequer Bills, and to carry the Person tendring any of the said Bills before one of His Majesties
         Justices  of the Peace,  to be  Examined how  he came by such  Bill  or Bills,  and from  whom  he received  the  same,  and
         forthwith to give notice thereof to the Cashire of His Majesties Excise, or to the Cashire of the Post Office; And whosoever
         shall secure any of the said Bills shall have a reasonable Reward for the same; And whosoever shall discover and apprehend
         the Person (that robb'd the said Post-man) he at that time riding upon a black Mare between 13 and 14 hands high, with 3
         white Feet, and a white streak down her Face, shall have a Reward of Twenty Pounds.
             (Note of the Editor: a list of the 77 Exchequer Bills follows. For each the number and amount is indicated)

         * 9 8 0 2  NEWS  [March 24-28, 1698]

             This  is  to  give  Notice,  That  on  this  Instant  Monday,  and  every  Night  afterwards,  (Sundays  excepted)  a  Post  is
         appointed to go  and come, to and from  the General Post-Office in Lombardstreet, to and from  the Towns following,  viz.
         Low-Layton, Waltham-Stow,  Wanstead,  Woodford,  Chigwel, Abridge,  Onger, Epping,  Copt-Hall,  and Parts adjacent.

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