Page 55 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 55

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                                               Deceriiberisii·/~ 79!1·~:

                         IN OrdCr tQ:aci:CteratC~ihe ,dif Pafcfo Of thC'
                         '. Lo1itfo~~fi~i!~:,::tibfil~~o/i?lt¥Al!.i~;~t.4c;:t~Ptihli<:
                         · are . hef,eby r~f pe~liiS:-~'~C.CJ.u.~~i~~e'd; 'th~t_,,,-~o ·
                          LETTERS will"be-received-a1: ·this Offiee af.;..  •

                         . ter Nine o' cl~k:-J~-;;,,th~->e~c~ing,::_with~ut the •
                         . payment of Th~~~-pence.  ~(:h : ~e~er,. inftcad
                        · of One Penny,  as ·herc~~fore ;-,~-~h~t afa quar'.9. ·

                         .ter paft Nine  o'P.~oc~; ... $ix~pe,;c~·-·each letter
                          will be required ;·.:~l1d _ that':~t ~enty_ minutes

                          pafl: Ni11e,,· no_ le~~rs ·wiJ..1 be· received on any
                        . acccunfwhatever:'                   ..                  .  .  ·.·

                                        By Command of the Peflmafar Gener~

                                                           C. SAVERLAND,

                                              Surveyor to the General Poft-Office .. .

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