Page 56 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 56

-                                                                                                       1700-1709

                                      NOTICES  FOR  THE  YEARS  1700-1709

            -- 0 0 0 1  NEWS  [May 9-13, 1700]

                This is  to  give  Notice, That  the Post goes from  the  General Post-Office in  Lombard street to Hampton-Court, and
            returns from  thence every  day in  the week,  Sundays  excepted,  and will continue so  to  do  during His Majesty's residence

            -- 0 0 0 2  NEWS  [June 20-24, 1700]

                These are to give Notice, That the Post will go  to and from  Tunbridge  (being the Season for  drinking the Waters)  as
            usual, every Day in the Week, Sundays excepted.

            -- 0 0 0 3  NEWS  [September 19-23, 1700]

                The General Penny-Post-Office is  remov'd from  Cloak-Lane near Dowgate, to the Black Swan over-against the Pump
            in Bishopgate-Street, of which, all Persons concern'd, are desir'd to take Notice.

            -- 0 0 0 4  NEWS  [September 23-26, 1700]

                This  is  to  give  Notice,  That there  is  a Post  settled betwixt Exeter and West-Chester,  to  begin from Michaelmas  next,
            which will  constantly go  and  return Twice  in  every Week  through the  several Towns  and  Places following,  viz.  Tiverton,
            Wellington,  Taunton,  Bridgwater,  Wells,  Bristol,  Wootton  Underedge,  Glocester,  Tewksbury,  Worcester,  Kiddem1inster,
           Bridgnorth,  Shrewsbury,  and Whitchurch,  so  that all  Persons Trading and  Corresponding in  those  Parts,  may send Letters
            and receive Answers by the Post twice a Week to and from any of the Towns aforesaid, or Places adjacent; and Letters sent
            from  Exeter  on  Wednesdays,  will  be  in  Chester  on  Sunday  mornings,  and  Answers  returned  to  Exeter  on  Wednesday
            mornings; those sent on Saturdays, will  be in Chester on Wednesday mornings,  and Answers returned to Exeter on Saturday

           -- 0 101  NEWS  [June 19-23, 1701]

                These are to give  Notice, That the Post will go  to and from Tunbridge (during the Season for drinking the Waters) as
           usual, every Day in the Week, Sundays excepted.

           -- 0 102  NEWS  [August 25-28, 1701]

                This is  to give Notice, That from and after the 30th of this Instant August, the Post will go  three times  a Week from
           the General Post Office in London,  to Swafham,  Feckenham,  Rainham,  Wells,  and Cromer, on the  usual days,  and return
           from  the several Places as often.

           -· 0 2 0 1  NEWS  [June 8-11, 1702]

                Her Majesty has been pleased to  renew the Grant of the Office of Postmaster-General to Sir Robert Cotton  Kt. and
           Sir  Tiwmas Frankland Bar.

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