Page 60 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 60


            their Monthly Courses, whereunto their Orders oblige them, without  any further  Charge there, than what is  to be paid  at
            the General Post-Office in England, according to the Rates following:
            From  England  to  the  West  Indies,              One  Sheet   1s.  3d.   And  in  Proportion  to  the  same  Rates
              each  Letter  not  exceeding                     Two  Sheets   2s.  6d.   for  every  Packet  of  Letters.
            From  the  Islands  to  England,                   One  Sheet   1s.  6d.   And  in  like  Proportion  for  every
              each  Letter  not  exceeding                     Two  Sheets   3s.  Od.   Packet  of  Letters.
            From  every  Packet  of  any  kind  of  greater  Bulk,  for  every  Ounce   6s.  Od.

            -- 0 5 0 4  NEWS  [April 13-16, 1705]

                These are  to give  Notice, That Letters will  be taken  in at the  General Post-Office  directed for  New-England,  New-
            York,  New-Jersey,  Maryland,  Pensilvania,,  Virginia,,  Carolina,  on the Continent of America, and the Island of Bennudas,  on
            the  same  Post-nights  as  those  for  the  Plantation  Islands,  with  particular  Directions  for  those  for  the  Continent  to  be
            forwarded by the first Opportunity.

            -- 0 5 0 5  NEWS  [June 25-28, 1705]

                These are to give Notice, That the Post will go  to and from the General Post-Office in London and Tunbridge every
            Day in  the week, Sundays excepted,  from Monday next, being the 2d of July,  during the Summer Season, from whence the
            Letters will be conveyed to and from the Wells as usual.

            -- 0 6 0 1  NEWS  [June 27-July 1, 1706]

                These are to give Notice, That the Post will go  to and from  the General Post-Office in London and Tunbridge every
            Day in  the Week;  (Sundays excepted)  from Thursday next, being the Fourth Day of July,  during the Summer-Season; from
            whence the Letters will be conveyed to and from the Wells as usual.

            -- 0 6 0 2  NEWS  [July 11-15, 1706]

                These are  to give  Notice,  That  a  Correspondence by  Letters will  be established between  England and  Ostende  as
            formerly; and that on Friday next, being the 19th Instant, and afterwards every Monday and Friday, Letters will be taken in
            at the  General Post-Office in London, in order to be sent to such Parts of the Spanish Netherlands as have acknowledged
            King Charles the Third.

            -- 0 6 0 3  NEWS  [November 21-25, 1706]

                These are  to  give  Notice,  That  a  Correspondence  by  Letters  will be  established between  England and  Ostend,  as
            formerly; and that on Friday next, being the 29th Instant, and afterwards every Monday and Friday, Letters will be taken in
            at the General Post Office in London, in order to be sent to such Parts of the Spanish Netherlands as have acknowledged
            King Charles the Third.

            -- 0 7 0 1  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, May 15, 1707)

                These are to give Notice, That the Mail of Letters which was dispatched from hence on the 3d of May for Ireland, was
            sunk by the Master of the  Packet-Boat, to prevent their falling into the Enemy's Hands; the said Packet-Boat being soon
            afterwards taken by a French Privateer.

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