Page 63 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 63


        --100 6  NEWS  [November 21-23, 1710]

             These are to give  Notice, that a Bag with  the Letters of Dumfries and Parts adjacent will be sent from  the General
        Post-Office to Dumfries, by way of Carlisle, from  and after Saturday the 2d of December, and the Answers to be returned
        the same Way.

        --1101  NEWS  (London, January 12, 1711)  {Julian Calendar. January 12, 1710}

             This is  to give  Notice, That a Packet-Boat, now at Biddiford, will be ready to proceed, Wind and Weather permitting,
        for the West-Indies with the Letters and Packets that shall be ready on the last Thursday of this Month.

        --1102  NEWS  [February 17-20, 1711]  {Julian Calendar. February 17-20, 1710}

             This is  to give  Notice, That the Evelyn Packet-Boat, now at Biddiford, will be ready to proceed, Wind and Weather
        permitting, for the West-Indies, with the Letters and Packets that shall be ready on Tuesday the 27th of this Month.

        --1103  NEWS  [March 17-20, 1711]  {Julian Calendar. March 17-20, 1710}

             This is to give Notice, That the Frankland Packet-Boat, now at Biddiford, will be ready to proceed, Wind and Weather
        permitting, for the West-Indies, with the Letters and Packets that shall be ready on Thursday the 29th of this Month.

        -- 11 0 4  NEWS  [May 8-10, 1711]

             This is to give  Notice, That the Letters and Packets design'd for  the West Indies will be taken in at the General Post-
        Office 'till Thursday the 17th Instant, and the Resolution Packet-boat now ready at Bristol, is  to  Sail therewith so soon as
        the Mail shall be put on Board her, Wind and Weather permitting.                 ·

        --1105  NEWS  [June 9-12, 1711]

             These are to give Notice, That by the Act of Parliament for Establishing a General Post Office, all Letters and Packets
        directed to, and sent from Places distant ten Miles or above from the said Office in London, which before the second of this
        Instant June were received and deliver'd by the Officers of the Penny Post, are now subjected to the same rates of Postage
        as  General Post Letters; and that for the Accommodation of the Inhabitants of such Places, their Letters will be convey'd
        with  the  same Regularity and Dispatch  as  formerly,  being first  Tax'd with  the  Rates,  and stamp'd with  the  Mark of the
        General Post-Office,  and  that  all  Parcels will likewise  be Tax'd,  at  the  Rate of One Shilling per Ounce,  as  the  said Act

        -- 11 0 6  NEWS  [June 30-July 3, 1711]

             The Marlett  Packet-Boat now  at Portsmouth,  being  the  next  Vessel  to proceed  to  the  West-Indies,  this  is  to  give
        Notice, that the said Vessel will be ready to sail with all Letters and Packets which shall be taken in at the General Post
        Office  between  this  and  Saturday  the  14th  Instant,  and  to  the  Orders  which  shall  that  Day  be  given  for  her  sailing

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