Page 66 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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          lying against the Red House at Deptford, with her Furniture of Guns and other Stores as specified in the Inventory, which
          is to be seen on Board the said Vessel, at the General Post-Office, and at the Place of Sale.

          -- 1 3 0 5  NEWS  (August 29-September 1, 1713]

               These  are  to  give  notice,  that  on  Friday  the  llth Instant,  by  Order of Her Majesty's  Postmaster  General,  will  be
          exposed to Sale by the  Candle at Lloyd's Coffee-house in Lombard-street,  the Queen Packet-Boat,  now lying  against  the
          Red-house at Deptford, with her Furniture of Guns and other Stores, as specify'd in the Inventory, which is  to be seen on
          Board the said Vessel, at the General Post-Office, and at the Place of Sale.

          --13 0 6  NEWS  (October 10-13, 1713]

               These are to give  Notice, That on Wednesday the 14th Instant, at 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon, by Order of Her
          Majesty's Postmaster General, will be exposed to Sale by the Candle, at Lloyd's Coffee-house in Lombard-street, the Union
          Packet-Boat,  now  lying  at Anchor  against  the  Red-house  at  Deptford,  with all  her  Guns,  Stores,  Furniture, Tackle,  and
          Apparel. Inventories whereof are to be seen on Board the said Vessel, at the General Post-Office in Lombard-street, and at
          the Place of Sale.

          --13 0 7  NEWS  [General-Post-Office, Dublin, December 15-19, 1713]

               That the Treaty of Correspondence by  Letters between the  Queen's Dominions and France,  is  now settled, and that
          Packet-Boats are appointed to carry the Mails between Dover and Callais; therefore all Letters directed for France, will be
          received at any of the Post-Offices in this Kingdom, to be forwarded by way of London; the Postage of such Letters from
          the  Office  they are put in  at,  to London, being first  paid;  and for  such Letters  as  are directed to  pass  through France  to
          Italy,  Turkey,  Spain,  and Portugal,  there must be paid over and above the Port to London, such Rates as is specified in the
          Printed Instructions, which each Deputy Post-Master has by him, to shew to all People that shall require it.

          --13 0 8  NEWS  [December 22-26, 1713]

               These  are  to  give  Notice,  That  the  Correspondence  by  Letters  being  opened  between  Great  Britain  and  France,
          Mondays and Thursdays are  the Days  appointed for  receiving Letters,  at the  General Post-Office of London,  for  France,
          and for Italy, Turky, Spain and Portugal, passing through France.

          --1401  NEWS  [March 9-13, 1714]  {Julian Calendar:  March 9-13, 1713}

               Whereas  a  Letter  of the  lOth  Instant,  directed  to  the  Post-Master  General,  signed T.L.  has  been  received;  if  the
          Person who  writ  the same will  attend the said Post-Master  General, and make out what  he has alledged therein,  he  shall
          meet with all due Encouragement.

          --1402  NEWS  [June 15-19, 1714]

               These  are  to  give  notice,  That  a  Packet-Boat  being appointed  to go  between Marseilles  and Port  Mahon,  for  the
          conveyance of Letters and Packets between Great Britain and the Island of Minorca in the Mediterranean, Letters will be
          taken in  at the General Post-Office for  the said Island every Monday and Thursday,  being the Post Days for  France;  the
          Postage whereof (besides the Post payable at Port Mahon) is establish'd according to the following Rates, viz.

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