Page 70 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 70


           that no Letters will be taken at the General Post-Office,  to go for  Spain, or any other Parts by the Way of Corunna, after
           Tuesday the 12th Instant inclusive.

           --170 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 18, 1717)

                The Post-master General of Great Britain,  &c.  having for  the Conveniency of the Gentlemen and Traders between
           Exeter and  Holsworthy in  Devonshire,  set  up  an Additional  Stage  for  carrying  and  bringing the  Letters  of Holsworthy,
           Hatherly,  Bowe,  and Places  adjacent  to  and  from  Exeter three  Times  a  Week;  These  are  to  give  Notice  thereof to  all
           Persons concerned,  and to inform such as  have Occasion to write to  those Parts, that the Letters of the beforementioned
           Towns and Places adjacent, will go from and come to London in the Exeter Bag.
                N. B.  This new Stage will commence from Tuesday the 25th Instant.

           --1 7 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 25, 1717)

                These are to give  Notice, that the Post will go  every Night (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge, and from
           Tunbridge-Wells to London, from Monday the lst of July next inclusive, during the Summer Season, as usual.

           --170 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 30, 1717)
                His Majesty having, at the Application of the Merchants trading to Galicia, Viana and Oporto, and for the Benefit of
           His Subjects trading to Spain, been graciously pleased to signifie his Pleasure to the Postmaster-General of Great-Britain,
           &c.  to  re-establish the Correspondence between England and Spain, by the Way of Falmouth and Corunna: These are to
  -        give  Notice,  that  two  Pacquet Boats  are  settled  on that  Station, to  carry Letters  and Passengers between Falmouth and
           Corunna, once in every 14 Days; and that Letters for Spain and the Northern Parts of Portugal will be taken at the General
           Post-Office in London, on Tuesday the 13th of August next, and from that Day on every other Tuesday.

           --180 1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 28, 1718)

                These are to give  Notice, that the Post will go  every Night  (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge, and from
           Tunbridge-Wells to London, from Wednesday the 2d Day of July next inclusive, during the Summer Season, as usual.

  -··      --180 2  NEWS  [July 19-22, 1718]

                Whereas at a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden the 17th of this Instant July,  at St. Albans in the County
           of Hertford,  Henry Harper  was  indicted  and found  guilty of  Counterfeiting the  Post  Office  Stamp,  and  affixing  it  to  a
           Letter, and was Fined and sentenced to stand in the Pillory for  the said Offence: This Advertisement is herein inserted as a
  -        Caution to  all  Persons against offending in the  like  Case, the Postmaster-General being determined to prosecute all such
           Persons with the utmost Severity.

           -- 190 1  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, London, May 9, 1719)

               His Majesty  having,  upon  the Application  of the Merchants  trading  to Portugal,  directed  an  additional  Number  of
           Pacquet-Boats to  be added to  those  employed on the Lisbon Station, to  carry on that Correspondence weekly during the
           War with Spain:  The Post-Master-General of Great Britain gives Notice, that two Pacquet Boats are accordingly added to
           that Station,  as  was  during  the  last War;  and  that  Letters  will  be  taken in  at  this  Office  every Tuesday for  any Part  of
           Portugal, to commence from Tuesday next inclusive, from which time Pacquet Boats will sail weekly between Falmouth and
           Lisbon, Wind and Weather permitting.

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