Page 71 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 71


        --190 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 27, 1719)

             These are to give Notice, that the Post will go  every Night  (Sundays excepted) from  London to Tunbridge, and from
        Tunbridge Wells to London, from Wednesday the lst of July next inclusive, during the Summer Season, as usual.

        --190 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, July 24, 1719)

             Whereas the Bristol Mail dispatched from thence on Wednesday the 22d Instant, at Twelve at Night, was this Morning
        between Twelve and One robbed on the Road betwixt Colebrook and Longford, by one Highway-Man, who was mounted
        on a black Horse, wearing a  Cinnamon coloured Coat,  a  fair  Horse-hair Peruke,  pretty well  set,  and about five  Foot six
        Inches high, who  tied the Post-Boy and opened the Bath and Bristol Bags,  and took several Letters out of them, and then
        rode  off,  as  the  Boy apprehended,  towards Colebrook:  These are  therefore to give  Notice,  that whoever  apprehends the
        Person concerned in this Robbery, so as  to have  him  convicted of the same,  shall receive a Reward of 50  Guineas,  to be
        paid by the Receiver-General of the Post-Office in London,  over and above the Reward directed by Act of Parliament for   -
        apprehending of Highway-Men.

        -- 1 9 0 4  NEWS  [July 21-25, 1719]

             Whereas the Mail from Bristol was robbed the 24th Instant, of several Letters, amongst which (as 'tis supposed) was
        one directed to Mr. Abraham Henckell, with  the following  accepted Bills,  payable in London to him or Order, viz.  1 for
        £160, 2 for £100 each,  on Mr. Price Webb. 2 for £150 each, 1 for £127 10s. on Mr. Robert Smith, 1 for £140 on Mr. Aullin
        Goodwin, 1 for £75 10s. on Mr. Joseph Beck. This is  therefore to caution every one not to Discount or take in Payment the
        said Bills or any of them,  as not being indorsed by the said Mr. Abraham Henckell;  and whosoever will bring them  to  his
        House in Lawrence Pountney-lane, Cannon-street, shall have  one Guinea Reward, and no Questions asked, they being of
        no Use to any but the Owner.

        -- 1 9 0 5  NEWS  [August 15-18, 1719]

             Whereas frequent Abuses have been committed upon the Cross-Roads between Exeter, Chester, Shrewsbury, Bristol
        and Oxford,  by  the  Riding  Boys,  or  others,  who  feloniously  open  the  Mail,  and  take  out  Letters,  altering  the  Bill  and
        Charge:  This  is  therefore  to  give  Notice  to  all  Merchants,  Tradesmen,  or others,  not  to  receive  any Post Letters  of any
        Person but  such who  are  authorised  and employed  by  the  several  Post-Masters  on  the  said Cross  Roads,  to  carry and
        deliver Letters; and all other Persons who shall offer to  deliver Letters and demand Postage, to  apprehend or cause to be
        apprehended, that they may be brought to Justice for such villainous Practice, which is not only a lessening of the Revenue,
        but infinitely prejudicial to all Persons corresponding by Post Letters.

        --190 6  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, London, November 18, 1719)

             Whereas the Bristol Mail,  dispatched from  thence on Monday the 16th Instant, at Twelve at Night, was this Morning,
        about One, robbed upon the Road, two Miles on this side Maidenhead, by one Highwayman, wearing a dark brown Riding-
        Coat, a  red and white worsted Cap, of a ruddy Complexion,  pretty well set,  about five  Foot six Inches high,  and about 50
        Years of Age, who tied the Post-Boy, and opened the Bath, Bristol and Maidenhead Bags, and took several Letters out of
        them. These are therefore to give  Notice,  that whoever  apprehends the Person concerned in this  Robbery,  so  as  to have
        him convicted of the same, shall receive a Reward of one hundred Guineas, to be paid by the Receiver General of the Post-
        Office in London, over and above the Reward directed by the Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen.


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