Page 69 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 69


         --16 0 3  NEWS  [June 23-26, 1716]

             These are to give  Notice, that the Post will go every Night (Sundays excepted) from  London to Tunbridge-Wells, and
         from Tunbridge-Wells to London, from Tuesday the 3d of July next inclusive, during the Summer Season, as usual.

         --16 0 4  NEWS  [August 25-28, 1716]

             Whereas  the  Mail  dispatched  for  Ireland  from  the  General  Post-Office,  in  London,  on  Saturday  the  18th  of this
         Instant August,  was  the  Tuesday following  (in its  way  from  Northop  to Denbigh)  set  upon by  Three Men;  who  having
         forced  it  from  the Post-Boy,  open'd it,  and took out  of it  what  Letters  they  thought fit:  These  are  to  give  Notice,  That
         whoever apprehend all, or any of the Persons concern'd in this Robbery, so as they may be convicted, shall have the Reward
         of Twenty Guineas, paid by the Receiver-General of the Post-Office in London;  and if any one of the Persons concern'd in
         the  said Robbery, will discover  the  rest in  the manner aforesaid,  he shall not only receive  the said Reward,  but also His
         Majesty's Pardon.

         --160 5  NEWS  [December 25-29, 1716]

             These  are  to  give  Notice,  That  His  Majesty's  Postmaster-General  has,  for  the  Conveniency  of the  Inhabitants  of
         Westminster, residing near Tuttle-street,  appointed Mr.  Francis Russel, Haberdasher,  at the Sign  of the Dove in  the said
         Street, to  receive Letters in Order to  be brought to  the General Post-Office of Post-Nights,  to commence from Thursday
         the 27th of December Instant inclusive.

         --170 1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 26, 1717)  {Julian Calendar: January 26, 1716}

             Whereas  the  Bristol  and  Exeter  Mails  dispatched  from  the  General-Post-Office  in  London,  on  Tuesday  the  22d
         Instant, were,  on the  Wednesday Morning following,  in  the  Road between Turnham-Green  and Brentford,  set  upon by
         Three Highway-men, who tied the Post-Boy, and took away the several Bags in the said Mails; these are to give Notice, that
         whoever apprehends all, or any of the Persons concerned in this Robbery, so  as to have them Convicted of the same, shall
         receive a Reward of 20  Guineas,  to be  paid by  the Receiver General  of the  Post  Office in  London,  over  and  above  the
         Reward directed by Act of Parliament, for  apprehending of Highway-Men; and if any one of the Persons concerned in the
         said Robbery will  discover the  rest,  in  the Manner aforesaid, he shall have  the said Reward of 20  Guineas,  and also  His
         Majesty's Pardon.
             N. B.  The three Highway-men abovementioned had on Riding Coats, and were mounted one on a Bay Horse with a
         whisk Tail,  another on an Iron-Grey Horse,  and the  third on a Black Horse; they made their Way towards London,  and
         some of the Letters have been found dropt in Three Nun-Court in Threadneedle-Street.

         --1702  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 26, 1717)  {Julian Calendar: January 26,  1716}

             Whereas in a Letter without Name or Date, lately sent to a Gentleman in the Temple by the Penny-Post, and put in at
         Oliver's Coffee-House at Westminster-Hall-Gate, Mention is  made of two Captains and another Gentleman, as of Persons
         that  may give  great Satisfaction in certain Matters in  the  said Letter mentioned; This is  to  desire  the Writer of the said
         Letter to repair to the said Gentleman in the Temple,  and let him  know where  the  said two  Captains and the said other
         Gentleman may be spoken with.

         -- 170 3  NEWS  (March 5-9, 1717)  {Julian Calendar: March 5-9, 1716}

             The Post-Master  General of Great-Britain,  &c.  having  received his  Majesty's  Pleasure  for  laying down  the Packet-
         Boats Established between Falmouth and Corunna at the Expiration of their respective Contracts: These are to give Notice,

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