Page 73 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 73


         Robbery, or either of them, so as to have them convicted of the same, shall receive a Reward of One Hundred Pounds, to
         be paid by the Receiver-General of the Post-Office in London,  over and above the Reward directed by Act of Parliament
         for apprehending of Highwaymen; and if either of the said Persons concerned in the said Robbery will discover the other in
         the Manner aforesaid, he shall have the said Reward of £100 and also His Majesty's Pardon.
             N.  B.  One of the Persons concerned in this Robbery was  mounted upon a black Horse, and the other upon a bay

         -- 2 0 0 6  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, London, September 5, 1720)

             Whereas the Bristol Mail dispatched from  thence  on Saturday the 3d Instant, was  last  Night between 11  and  12  a
         Clock robbed upon the Road between Harehatch and Maidenhead, by one Highwayman, who took several Letters out of
         the Bath and Bristol Bags: These are therefore to give Notice, that whoever apprehends the said Person concerned in this
         Robbery,  so  as to  have him  convicted of the same,  shall  receive  a  Reward of One Hundred Pounds  to be paid by the
         Receiver  General  of  the  Post-Office  in  London,  over  and  above  the  Reward  directed  by  Act  of  Parliament  for
         apprehending of Highwaymen.
             N.  B.  The Person who committed this Robbery was mounted on a black Horse.

         -- 2 0 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, October 19, 1720)

             Whereas the West Mail  coming to  this  Office,  was  Yesterday Morning, between 4 and 5 a Clock,  robbed by three
         Highwaymen, at a Place called the Foot of Toomer Hill, about 3 Miles from Sherborn, in the County of Dorset, and several
         Letters taken out of the Exeter, Taunton, St. Columb, and Crewkern Bags: These are therefore to give Notice, that whoever
         apprehends the said Persons concerned in this Robbery, or either of them, so as to have him or them convicted of the same,
         shall receive  a  Reward  of £100  to  be  paid by  the  Receiver-General  of the  Post-Office  in London,  over  and  above  the
         Reward directed by Act of Parliament, for  apprehending of Highwaymen: And if either of the said Persons concerned in
         the said Robbery, will discover one or both of his Accomplices in the Manner aforesaid, he shall have the said Reward of
         £100 and also his Majesty's Pardon.

         -- 2 0 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, October 19, 1720)

             Whereas the West and Bristol Mails have of late been frequently robbed, and several Bank Notes and Bills taken out
         of them, and no Discovery made of the Persons who committed the said Robberies, though the utmost Care has been taken
         to discover the same: For the better preventing such evil Practices for the future, all Merchants and others, who send any
         Bills,  or Notes,  to,  or from  London,  are desired to  make all  such Bills,  and Notes,  payable  three Days  after  Sight,  that
         timely Notice may be given to stop Payment of the said Bills and Notes so stolen.

         -- 2 0 0 9 -NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, October 24, 1720)

             Whereas the Bristol Mail coming to this Office was robbed Yesterday Morning between One and Two a-Clock, on the
         Road four Miles on this Side Bristol, by one Highwayman and one Foot-pad, who carried off the Mail, in which was only
         the Bristol Bag. These are therefore to give Notice, that whoever apprehends the said Persons concerned in this Robbery,
         or either  of them,  so  as  to  have him or  them convicted of the  same,  shall receive  a  Reward  of £100  to be paid by the
         Receiver-General  of  the  Post-Office  in  London,  over  and  above  the  Reward  directed  by  Act  of  Parliament  for
         apprehending of Highwaymen; and if either of the said Persons concerned in the said Robbery will discover his Accomplice
         in the Manner aforesaid, he shall receive the said Reward of £100 and also His Majesty's Pardon.

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