Page 75 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 75


         -- 2 10 5  NEWS  (Whitehall, September 29, 1721)

              Whereas the Bristol Mail, dispatched from thence on Wednesday the 27th Instant, was last Night between 11and12
         a-Clock, robbed about a Mile on this Side Maidenhead, by one Highwayman, who carried off the Letters of Bristol, Bath,
         and Chippenham: These are therefore to give Notice, that whoever apprehends the said Person concerned in this Robbery,
         so as to have him convicted of the same, shall receive a Reward of £200 to be paid by the Receiver General of the Post-
         Office in London, over and above the Reward directed by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; and if any
         one of his Accomplices shall discover the Offender in the Manner aforesaid,  such Person so making the Discovery,  shall
         have the said Reward of £200 and also his Majesty's Pardon.
              N.  B.  The Person who committed this Robbery, had on a Drab Colour Horseman's Coat, and was mounted on a Bay
         Horse with a white Face.

         -- 2106  NEWS  (Whitehall, October 3, 1721)

              The following Regulations to be observed with regard to Passengers and Goods bound from the Ports of London and
         Dover for  Calais, having been transmitted by the proper Officer of that Place to the Agent of the Packet Boats at Dover,
         and by  him to  His Majesty's  Postmaster General;  the same  having been laid before  His Majesty,  are by His  Majesty's
         Command made publick, for the necessary Information of all His Majesty's Subjects whom it may in any wise concern.
              Copy of the Regulations to be observed about the Contagi.on.
                                                         Article V.
              The Captain of the Key shall give Notice to all the Packet-Boats and Transport-Ships which go and return from Dover
         and London to this Port, and to the Wherries, not to give Passage to any Person, of what Quality and Condition soever, not
         even to Couriers, unless they bring with them Bills of Health signed by the Officers of the Towns from whence they come;
          and in case the Masters of the Packet Boats, Transport Ships or Wherries, do bring Persons who are not furnished with
          Certificates of Health, the Town-Guard shall not suffer the Persons  or any Goods to be landed, but shall force  them to
         return back upon the Penalties mentioned in the foregoing Article, which are, the Persons to be shot, and the Ships and
         Cargoes to be burnt; the Town-Boats shall also be forbidden to bring them on Shore, unless they shall first have produced
         their Bills of Health to the Town-Guard.
              Done and  established at the Town-House  of Calais the 29th of September,  1721. Sign'd, The President de  Thosse,
         Clou Mahieu, P. Guillebert, F. le Mahieu, & Jean Prevost, Eschevins.
                                                                          L. Laide, Master of the Key.

         -- 2201  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, January 5, 1722)  {Julian Calendar. January 5, 1721}

              Whereas  Benjamin  Child  and  William  Wade,  two  Persons  concerned  in  robbing  the  Bristol  Mails,  have  (by  the
         Direction of the Postmaster-General) been apprehended for the same, and are committed to Newgate; These are therefore
         to give  Notice to such Persons who may have been Sufferers by these Robberies, that there is  also seized a considerable
         Number of Bills of Exchange and Notes of Hand, which are supposed to have been taken out of the said Bristol Mails in
         the several Robberies committed within these two Years last past, the Particulars of which may be seen in a List kept at the
         General Post Office for that Purpose.

         -- 2 2 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, January20, 1722)  {Julian Calendar: January 20, 1721}

              Whereas the Person who is now in Dorchester Gaol upon Suspicion of having robbed the Western Mail near Yeovil,
         in the County of Somerset, the 8th Instant at Night, had a Blank Ticket in the late State Lottery found upon him; This is to
         desire, that the Person who is the Owner of it will give Notice to the Post-Master-General of the Number of the said Ticket,
         that it may be restored to him.

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