Page 68 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 68

-                                                                                                        1710-1719

           --15 0 5  NEWS  [May 17-21, 1715]

 -             These are to give Notice, That the General Penny-Post-Office, which now is kept in Broad street, will on Thursday the
           26th of this Instant May 1715, be removed into St. Christopher's Church yard in Threadneedle-street near Stock's-Market,
           where Letters and Parcels will be taken in as usual.

           --15 0 6  NEWS  [June 25-28, 1715]

                These are  to  certifie  that from  and  after Monday the  4th of July,  the Post will go  every Night  (Sundays  excepted)
           between the General Post-Office, and Tunbridge Wells during the Summer Season.

           --15 0 7  NEWS  [August 9-13, 1715]

                Whereas on Saturday Night last, being the 6th of August, a Person bringing Letters from the Rainbow Coffee-house at
 -         Fleet-bridge to the General Post-Office, was  about 10 a Clock assaulted in Cheapside, and the Bag of Letters taken from
           him; whoever will discover any Person or Persons concern'd in this Fact, or bring the said Bag of Letters to the General
           Post-Office in Lombard-street, shall be well rewarded for his Pains, and be asked no Questions.

           --15 0 8  NEWS  [September 13-17, 1715]

               Whereas a Letter dated the 12th Instant,  and signed J.  J.  was  sent to  the Honourable the Speaker of the House of
           Commons,  setting  forth,  that  there  are Abuses  committed  in  the  General  Post-Office  by  the  Clerks  of the  Inland  and
 .-        Foreign Offices,  to the Prejudice of his Majesty's Revenue: If the Person that sent the said Letter will come to the Post-
           Master General  at the  Post Office  in  Lombard street,  and  make out what  he therein  asserts he shall  meet with  all  due
           Encouragement and Protection.

           --15 0 9  NEWS  [October 15-18, 1715]

               Whereas there  has  been a Letter sent to  the  Governors of the Post Office,  sign'd B.  K. representing some Abuses
           committed to the Prejudice of his  Majesty's Revenue,  arising by the Postage of Letters; these are to give Notice, that if the
           Person that writ the said Letter will apply himself to the Party it was directed to, any Morning at the General Post Office in
           Lombard street, he shall meet with Encouragement and Protection, and any Information he makes will be kept very secret.

           -- 160 1  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, Dublin, January 10, 1716)  {Julian Calendar. January 10, 1715}

               Whereas several Reports have  been industriously spread, to  the Disparagement of the Pacquet-Boats now employ'd
           between  England  and  Ireland;  this  is  to  certify,  That  the  Grafton  and  Princess  Pacquet-Boats  are  larger,  newer  and
           stronger, than the others were; are every way fitted with Conveniencies for Passengers; are extream good Sailers; and are
           compleatly Manned with Sailors experienced on these Coasts. And there is a third Boat on the Stocks of 70 Tuns Burthen,
           equal with the other two.

           --16 0 2  NEWS  [June 12-15, 1716]

               This  is  to  give  Notice,  That  a  Letter  dated  the  8th  of  June  1716,  signed  J.  0.  and  directed  to  the  Hon.  the
           Commissioners  of His Majesty's  Post-Office in  Lombard-Street, London,  is  come  to  Hand;  and that  if the  Person  that
           wrote it,  will come  any  Morning  to  the  Post-Master-General,  at  the  General Post-Office  in  Lombard-Street,  he will be
           heard on the Subject of the said Letter.

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