Page 67 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 67


                                               For  every  single  Letter  1s.  3d.
                                                              Double  2s.  6d.
                                                              Treble  3s.  9d.
                                                              Ounce   5s.  Od.
              And proportionably for every Packet of Letters exceeding an Ounce Weight.

          --14 0 3  NEWS  [July 3-6, 1714]

              These are to give Notice, That from and after Tuesday the 13th Instant, the Post will go every Night (Sunday excepted)
          between the General Post-Office, London, and Tunbridge Wells, during the Summer Season.

          -- 14 0 4  NEWS  [July 13-17, 1714]

              These are to give Notice, That Packet Boats are appointed to go Twice Weekly, between Donaghadee and Port-patrick,
          for the conveyance of Letters between Ireland and Scotland, and that Letters will be taken in at the General Post-Office in
          Dublin, to be forwarded from thence to Donaghadee, every Tuesday  and Saturday,  to commence upon Saturday the Second
          of October next.

          --15 0 1  NEWS  (March 21, 1715)  {Julian Calendar. March 21, 1714}

              Two Packet  Boats,  viz.  The King  George  and  the  Frankland,  are  appointed  to  set  out  once  every  Fortnight  from
          Falmouth for  the Groyne, with a Mail for Spain. Letters will be taken in at the Post Office every other Tuesday, beginning
          from to Morrow the 22d Instant.

          -- 15 0 2  NEWS  [March 22-26, 1715]

              The Postmaster General of Great Britain having provided Pacquet Boats  to go  once a Fortnight from  Falmouth to
          Corunna with Letters to and from Spain: These are to give Notice to all Merchants and others that Letters for Spain will be
          taken  in  at  the  General  Post  Office  in  London  on  Tuesday the  29th  Instant,  and  from  that  Day  every  other  Tuesday

          -- 1 5 0 3  NEWS  [March 29-April 2, 1715]

              There being  a  Correspondence settled between  Great Britain  and Spain,  by the  way  of Falmouth  and the  Groyne.
          These are to give Notice to all Merchants and others that the first Mail from London for Spain went from the General Post
          Office in  London on Tuesday the 29th of March last,  and that Letters and Packets will be  taken in at  the said Office on
          every other Tuesday from that Day.

          --1S0 4  NEWS  [April 26-30, 1715]

              There being a  Correspondence settled between  Great Britain and Spain,  by the way  of Falmouth and the  Groyne.
          These are to give Notice to all Merchants and others, that the first Mail from London for Spain went from the General Post
          Office in London on Tuesday the 29th  of March last,  and that Letters and Packets will be taken in at the said Office  on
          every other Tuesday from  that Day. And that Letters for  Oporto, Viana and the North part of Portugal may be sent this
          way, Care being taken at the Groyne to forward the same.

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