Page 62 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 62


                                      NOTICES  FOR  THE  YEARS  1710-1719

           -- 1 0 0 1  NEWS  [May 8-10, 1710]
                This is  to give Notice, That the Letters and Packets design'd for  the West Indies will be taken in at the General Post
           Office 'till Thursday the 17th Instant, and the Resolution Packet-boat now ready at Bristol, is  to Sail therewith so soon as
           the Mail shall be put on Board her, Wind and Weather permitting.

           --1002  NEWS  [July 13-15, 1710]

                These are to give Notice, That from Thursday next, being the 18th Instant, the Post will go between the General Post-
           Office in London and Tunbridge-Wells every Day in the Week (Sundays excepted) during this Summer Season.

           -- 1003  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 25, 1710)

                At the last Assizes held at Kingston for  the County of Surry, Elizabeth Locker was Tried on an Information exhibited
           against her,  in  her  Majesty's Court  of Exchequer,  for  ringing  a Hand-bell  in  the  Parish  of St.  George's  Southwark,  and
           collecting  Letters  four  several  times  for  Hire,  to  be  carried  to  the  General  Post-Office,  without  Authority  from  Her
           Majesty's Postmaster-General, and a Verdict was given against her for twenty Pound for such her four Offences.

           --100 4  NEWS  [August 19-22, 1710]

                Whereas  Her  Majesty  has  been  pleased  to  direct,  That  a  Monthly  Correspondence  be  Established  between  this
           Kingdom and Her Dominions on the Continent of America, by Packet-boats to pass  to  and from  Bristol and New York,
  -        between which  last  Place  and  the  several Provinces,  Colonies  and  Settlements of  New England,  East and West  Jersey,
           Pensilvania,  Carolina,  Rhode  Island,  regular  Inland  Posts  are  already  settled;  and  others  are  about  to  be  settled  thro'
           Mariland,  Virginia,  North and South-Carolina,  for  the more easy and  expeditious Conveyance of all  Letters  and Packets
           which shall be conveyed by means of the said Packet-boats.
               These are therefore to give  Notice thereof,  and that Letters will be taken in at  the General Post-Office for  the said
           Continent of America on Thursday the last Day of this  Month of August,  and for the future on the last Thursday in every
               The Rates for the Postage of Letters and Packets to and from  the General Post-Office in London and New York, are
           as follow:
                          For  every  single  Letter  not  exceeding  one  Sheet  of  Paper  •..•..••..••..••....  1s.  Od.
                          For  every  double  Letter  not  exceeding  two  Sheets  of  Paper  .......•.•....••.••  2s.  Od.
                          And  in  proportion  to  the  same  Rates  for  every  Packet  of  Letters.
                          And  for  Packets  of  any  kind  of  greater  Weight,  for  every  Ounce  ..••..•.••••••  4s.  Od.

           --100 5  NEWS  [October 17-19, 1710]

               These are to give Notice, That the Packet-Boat, called the Bristol, imployed in Correspondence between this Kingdom
           and Her Majesty's Dominions on the Continent of America, will be ready to sail from Bristol to  New-York in due Course,
           with the Letters which shall be taken in at the General Post-Office, on Thursday the 26th Instant, for the said Continent.

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