Page 65 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 65


        --12 0 6  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, Dublin, October 30, 1712)

            That on Monday the 27th Instant, at Night, the Post-Boy riding with the Munster Mail over Kilkash Hill, from Clonmel
        to Kilkenny,  was met by Two Men, one of them being on Horseback and  the other on Foot, who knock'd him down,  and
        Rob'd him of the Horse and Mail. The Mail was found the next day about Three Miles from the Place where the Robbery
        was committed, broke open, as were all the Baggs which were in it coming for Dublin, (viz.)  Kinsale,  Cork,  Tralee,  Tallow,
        Youghal,  C/onmel,  Cashel, Limerick,  Ennis, Newcastle,  and Rathkeal, and many of the Letters were broke open and torn to
        pieces, especially the Double Letters and Large Packets. Whether any Letters were taken away,  is not yet known; but this
        Notice is given, that all Persons who did send any Letters in the Baggs aforesaid, may use the necessary caution, to prevent
        any Inconvenience to themselves or Correspondence by this disappointment.

        --12 0 7  NEWS  [November 18-22, 1712]

            Whereas the Post-Boy coming to London with two  Mails  from  Dunkirk, was,  on Wednesday the 19th Instant,  about
        Eight at Night, set upon by three or four Persons near the Half-way House between Deptford and Southwark, who took the
        Horse and  Mails  from  him,  threatening  to shoot  him  in  case  he  made any  Noise,  and  the  Mails  being  found  the  next
        Morning near the said Place,  appeared to  have  been both broke open,  and several Pacquets contained in the said Mails
        torn: Her Majesty therefore, in regard to the ill Consequence which may attend the robbing the Mails,  or interrupting the
        Publick  Correspondence,  is  pleased  to  declare,  That  whoever  shall  discover  the  Persons  concerned  in  the  abovesaid
        Robbery,  shall,  upon Conviction of such  Persons, receive  the Sum  of One hundred Pounds  (over and above the Reward
        already appointed by Law),  to be paid by  the Receiver  General of the Post-Office: And in  case any  One of the Persons
        concerned in  the  said  Robbery shall  discover  the  rest,  so  as  they  may be  apprehended  and  convicted,  he  shall  not  only
        receive the  like  Reward,  but also  Her  Majesty's  most gracious  Pardon for  the  said  Offence:  Or if any Person shall give
        Information of the House where the said Mails were opened, he shall receive Fifty Pounds Reward.

        -- 1 3 0 1  NEWS  [May 23-26, 1713]

            Whereas the Correspondence between Great Britain and Portugal has, during the War, been carried on Weekly by the
        Falmouth Packet Boats, These are to give Notice, That the said Intercourse will be carried on, only once a Fortnight, from
        and after Tuesday the 2d of June next,  when  the Letters for  Portugal will  be dispatch'd,  as  usual,  from  the General Post   -
        Office, and afterwards on every other Tuesday following.

        -- 1 3 0 2  NEWS  [July 4-7, 1713]

            These are to give notice, that from and after this  present Tuesday, being the 7th Instant, the Post will go every Night
        (Sundays excepted) between the General Post-Office, London, and Tunbridge-Wells, during the Summer Season.

        --13 0 3  NEWS  [July 14-18, 1713]

            These are to give Notice, That on Wednesday the 29th Instant, by Order of Her Majesty's Post-master General, will be
        exposed to Sale by the Candle at Lloyd's Coffee-House in Lombard-street, the Expedition and Mercury Packet-Boats, now
        lying  against  the Red-House  at Deptford, with their Furniture  of Guns  and other Stores,  as specified in their respective
        Inventories, which are to be seen on Board the said Vessels, at the General Post-Office, and at the Place of Sale.

        --13 0 4  NEWS  [August 1-4, 1713]

            These are to give Notice, That on Wednesday the 12th of this Instant August, by Order of Her Majesty's Post-Master
        General, will be exposed to Sale by the Candle at Lloyd's Coffee-house in Lombard-street, the Expedition Packet Boat, now

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